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I have pretty reasonable mech knowledge but not with turbos, Ive been reading a little on draw thru and blow thru turbo setups, I have access to turbos piping and intercoolers and my engine is a rotary 13b carbi fed engine(Its a toy and I dont care if I wreck it in the process)Anyone done their own?any reccomendations or advice?bare in mind Im not after a drag-car setup just a stupid lil booster to mess around with on fridays after work
i'd go to the hardware and buy a double compression fitting cut the pipe as needed and put the fitting in. it will last forever. . these fixes are just that fixes what you want is to repair the problem. i've been seeing and getting info on these quick fixes for years like mike holmes says if you're gonna do it , do it right. your hardware clerk can tell you what to do, just make sure you know what size pipe diameter you have. a pin hole is going to keep getting bigger just like a cavity on your tooth will. and in comes murphy's law
Making a hookah, i bought washing machine hose today at walmart. I washed it tons of times but it kind of has a weird aftertaste once your breathe in, i havent tried it with the hookah yet. Is this safe? Some hookah hoses are rubber, right, so its not going to kill me and im not directly lightinh it on fire so i wont die right?
he was stealing liquor or cigarettes from a local store during a harsh storm, and got unlucky in the circumstances. the county had declared a County Emergency because power was out in parts of the neighborhood due to high winds. thus the crime was Looting (misdemeanor or felony at the judge's discretion) and the minimum sentence is 90 days.
How can the quick couplings in the hydraulic pipe be dismantled and sealed?
The application with a one-way valve, a one-way valve end is connected with the gas source, when the check valve closes automatically when connected to a one-way valve open end of the thimble.Self locking is the use of steel balls embedded in the groove, while the "cone - cylinder" sleeve to lock the ball.
If you could think of one it would be much appreciatedthanks
crimp much holes tighter, all-ways brass fittings , cinch or crimp on a plastic fitting may cause failure or cracks.not seen until a leak or flooding. I've and done the freeze test on pex with a 2'ft. piece with plugs in the ends, both cinch crimp, plastic fitting brass/ both pex piping swell, but the plastic gave out. use pipe insulation with 3/4 wall like armor flex. check r value on insulation for your area.
When I'm going through my subdivision over those plastic type speed bumps with the spaces between them, is it okay to not go over with all four tires (two tires on bump, two in space)? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I don't know too much about cars and have started to worry I'm causing one side to wear faster or something.
that's both you urge your mothers and fathers to allow you to more advantageous freedom or use a hacking application on your human being workstation. i ought to desire the former selection for moral motives and plus, hacking your workstation, may lead on to disastrous effects.
Lately, all I've been hearing is how Iran or North Korea or some place wants to have war over here, and they've been setting off practice bombs, etc. Stuff like that [sorry I don't know exactly what they're talking about, but it scares me]. And it seriously scares the **** out of me just to hear people talk about it! Fire is my ultimate, biggest fear and if I just think about a bomb being set off, I can't sleep, my heart pounds, it really scares me..Is there any way of overcoming this? I know it's natural to be scared of violence with bombs and stuff, but I don't want to be.. paranoid about it. 10pts to best answer..
Belief in God or righteous behavior doesn't guarantee calamity will not befall you. Jesus was sinless and still was nailed to a tree. But that was part of God's plan. God said in his word all bad he will work together for the good of those who love him.
All I can find, is that they were banned in California, because of their demonstratable bioaccumulation in mammals - humans included. Based on animal studies, these chemicals have been implicated in causing thyroid problems and neuological damage. In fact, only a single dose of Pecta substantially brain damaged fetal mice in the test group.So are these two chemicals banned in the US, or not? And if so, when were they banned?I have a 2007 Ford Ranger truck, purchased in January 2007. Pecta and Octa were used in vehicle interiors, and have been discovered as contaminants in the dust inside cars, as well as in the stagnant interior air one first breathes in after a car's been sitting in the sun. Are they in my truck? Moreover, my father (see: idiot) while riding passenger in my truck, once, took his hand and swept it across the dash, deliberately disbursing a whooole lotta dust up off of it and into the air that I had no choice but to subsequently inhale. Could this be bad for me?
You can try putting up flashing streamers that you can make yourself from stakes, tine and strips of aluminum foil. I've tried that in the past with limited results. Some people say putting rubber snakes in the plants will help and of course you can buy of kinds of scare balloons that look like owls or birds of prey. The only foolproof method is netting which is much simpler on bushes than trees.
Making a youtube video about horror movie survival, I can only think of the obviois right now, like dont run upstairs,.dont trip, dont pick up the phone mine which is pay attention to the music listen to the audience because theyre smarter than youNeed new ones, thank you!! :)
Yep, sure sounds like the Hard working immigrants, who come to the States to work hard, better their lives, and CONTRIBUTE to the economy-The kind of contribution that no body needs.