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I don't understand how oil and gas industry has anything to do with electrical engineering jobs??Am I not seeing this because currently I am working as a electronics engineer ? This is how I am thinking about this - Oil and gas industry , digs up oil , provides it to our cars and trucks so they can run. Now I don't understand how or where Electrical engineers come into play into this ?? Please make me understand. I want to know.P.s: I am an entry level electronics engineer, with a degree in Electrical engineering , Currently I am located in Houston, texas.
This website will show you jobs in your discipline in the oil and gas industry. Take a good look at the descriptions to find out what the work could involve, and follow a trail on the internet to see where you could use your skills in your local area. You will need to think about travel at some point though, in this industry.
e.g. medical equipment
Best thing to do is use a surge protector and if the equipment is costly enough use one voltage stabiliser/CVT/UPS in addition.
for my hair dryer and other electrical equipment
Its a 3 pin plug herenot to worryjust get your stuffyou can buy a converter herealso electricity is 110V. so be mindful of that as well.cheers
Can you actually save a decent amount of money by unplugging things like cable boxes, microwaves, etc.?I've taken to shutting things down when I leave for work, but there's really no way I'll be able to determine how much I'll save. If it's not significant enough I'd rather not bother - waiting for the cable to reboot is a pain!We have two cable boxes with associated TVs and DVDs that get shut down along with our clean air machines. Is it worth it?
I wouldn't worry to much about cable boxes. I think when you turn them off at power button they go into a power saving mode. As for other devices. They have various gadgets out to help you with your problem! First I found is something called a green plug. Its suppose to help cut back power usage on stuff like refrigerators ect. Another is a Kw/hr monitor it records the usage per item. Check these out see if its something you willing to try out. Both links are from Amazon but i'm sure you can look at places like radio shack or hardware stores.
Every other electrical and electronic equipment in my house is alright. How can alarm company prove the above in a court of law or to Better Business Bureau ?
Possible though unlikely. Other electronic equipment may have a delayed reaction (no I ain't blowin smoke up ur *ss) IE lowered life expectancy and or reliability. Lightning can do some strange things you never know what will blow what won't or what may be damaged.
I am looking for electrical equipment that are commonly used in industrial plants, power plants or substation. I was hoping anybody here could help me.
motors transformers switchgear motor control centers large breakers molded case circuit breakers disconnect switches load carrying cables signal and control wiring relays terminations etc.
i'm from the UK and i want to take my GHDs, camera and phone charger, what kind of plug do i need and where can i get one, im going sunday
You okorder
.and what does it entail?
I woulds say easily electric powered engineering, counting on the concentration. by way of some distance the biggest utility of nanotechnology is for semiconductors. I did a level in electric powered engineering specializing in VLSI (in reality microchip layout and fabrication). electric powered engineers in this sub-discipline use widely used and quantum physics to layout small scale structures like circuits, MEMS (micro-electo-mechanical structures), and micro-fluidics contraptions. electric powered engineers greater concentrated in issues like E+M fields and capacity distribution have not something to do with nano. Mechanical engineers won't study quantum physics, it is needed for nano-scale contraptions. no rely what, nano-scale fabrication is bypass-disciplinary requiring electric powered, chemical, fabric, and mechanical engineers as properly as scientists and technicians.