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I mean for SF6 (gas) containers used to refill electrical quipment such as circuit breakers, must the container be discharged completely, or is it possible to retain a partial amount of SF6 gas in the container for future refilling activities? Any electrical experts out there, would really appreciate your assistance with this. Thanks!
Check the MSDS sheet for safe transport. Is a seal broken before use? Do the containers get returned after use or are they discarded (how?). Your local power company must have info because they use this stuff at switching stations.
I have been doing some research in which stocks i would like to invest in. Well i found this company called Raser Technologies. Supposedly they are a geothermal electrical power plant company. With Obama's environmental laws that he is passing, will this cause this stock to increase? i dont know a whole lot about stocks or about this company but if they step up as a major alternative energy companies then they should bring in a lot of profit seeing as their stocks are now only at2.27 a share. any information about this company or predictions for the future of other alternative energy companies would be greatly appreciated. I really think that with all the searching of alternative energy sources, this would be a great investment for the future when these companies step up.
Wow, okorder
I have been trying my best to put some few things together as per building electronics and electrical equipment but i really lack circuit diagrams that can put me through. i presntly need a circuit diagram of an inverter with atleast 20kVA output.
There's a 1KVA inverter at aaroncake /circuits/invert To crank up the output you need to uprate the transformer and add parallel transistors.
if my electrical equipment has a fuse; does that not mean it's protected?is it just the power grid that goes down?
A okorder
HiCan someone tell me what the difference is betweena) turning my TV (or whatever) off on the setb) turning it off at the switch on the wallc) unplugging itWhat I'm reading seems to suggest that only unplugging it really means its off - is that true?
When you turn off modern Tvs from the remote, it will go to standby mode, there's still electricity on the circuit enough for the memory to remember your settings, like volume, time, the channel you've last watch before turning it off. When you turn off the switch from the wall or unplugging it, the Tv is now completely disconnected from the power source. You may loose personal settings, and when you plug it back on then it may function in the default settings. Leaving it plugged has advantages but surge, lighting, sudden voltage changes may damage it. So when you'll be out for days then unplug it from the AC outlet to play safe.
I am currently studying electrical engineering in college but Im considering maybe teaching math for a while. But I wanted to ask what the daily routine is like for an electrical engineer at workThank you
There is no typical day for most engineers and that is a good thing. Yes, some engineers settle for repetitive engineering jobs but you don't have to. There are always jobs with variety and interesting stuff to do.
how is this possible?
Aside from the slight variations already pointed out, the simple answer is that there is a massive supply of power in the grid and pulling a few extra amps normally does not burden the system.
I am a mechanical engineer and i have had 4 different jobs and i'm forced to be an expert in electrical engineering, because everything is electrical/electronics/computerized these days. I am terrible with electrical concepts.i barely passed the only EE class i had to take, and i am trying to learn this stuff on my own, but it's like Greek to me. WHAT CAN I DO? This would be like forcing a lawyer to be an expert in bricklaying or forcing a doctor to be an expert in glass blowing!!!
electric engineering is probable the smartest because it somewhat is purely that;electric Engineering. Mech engineering covers this variety of extensive field of interest from engines to bridges and each thing in between. the two require a severe degree of maths know-how as lots of the classes are greater like utilized maths.