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The 5 spoke base on an office chair that holds the wheels... I have 2 office chairs one with a good one and one that's broke and I'd like to swap them.
The majority of office chairs tend to be fitted with gas lifts that have a tapered body that locates and wedges into a matching tapered hole in the base. This is what's called an interference fit and the two become locked together. Depending on how old the chair is it can be quite difficult to separate them. Try spraying the joint with some WD40 or easing oil, let it soak in and then turn the chair on its side and use a rubber mallet to tap firmly on the top of each leg of the base and hopefully they'll come apart. If the chair has a plastic base take care not to hit it too hard or you may crack the base.
older chair back and seat cover
Every chair is different so there isn't a pattern. Typically you have to make your own based of fitting the fabric to the chair, add stuffing and then tack it in place.
I'm about to get my baby's first high chair. Any features I should look for? What you folks found useful for your babies?
Here is a place where you can shop for the best baby high chair you never dream about. See here:
Im not sure what to get for my apartment. I'm the he only person living in the apartment and I dont usually have much guests over. It would feel kinda weird with a couch AND loveseat, dont you think? but I really like how i looks compared to the chair. i dont know..also, do you think the chair's color is slightly off compared to the couch? I really appreciate the help
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I'm looking for advice on buying a high chair. I have a 4 month old little boy who is just starting on different food's. He is able to hold his head well when hes sitting up, but still needs support for now. I want to find something that he will be able to grow into, and will not need to be replaced any time soon. I would also like to spend as little as possible.. Any advice would be helpful. Which kind do you use or like?
I have a Fisher Price Ocean Wonders highchair and I absolutely love it however it was around $130. I also have 2 of the space saver chairs like others are posting however I didn't not care for them. They don't work with the kitchen chairs at my house or my parents. They are too wide for the chair and so they don't fit on it right which causes it to tip right over. If they work with your chairs they can be good, but for me they were a waste. Cheaper to get a highchair then a new dining room set.
I usually set up at a sunset festival. I would like to try to bring my chair somewhere during the day on the week day. Should I approach businesses. If so how? What do I say? I have a good personality just need a hint what would my pitch be.
Talk to their human relations person. Maybe make a presentation about the benefits of chair massage. increased productivity, fewer sick days, improved morale, etc. you may even ask to do it as a one time thing and when they see the benefits ask if you can come monthly/weekly/whatever. good luck!
If the opportunity cost of 1 table is 5 chairs in nation A and 1 chair in nation B, it makes sense for nation B to produce chairs?
False. A country should produce whichever good it has a comparative advantage, i.e. lower opportunity cost, in producing. Country A has to give up making only 1 table to make 5 chairs, so its opportunity cost of making chairs is 0.2 tables. Country B has to give up making 1 table to make 1 chair, so its opportunity cost of making chairs is 1 chair. Country A should produce chairs because it has a comparative advantage.
I'm a big fan of Vincent's work. Does anyone know what kind of chair that is? I would like a replica of not the picture but the furniture piece.Does anyone know wher I could find a furniture maker from whom I can buy one?
Hi! okorder /