Promotional Bag

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What products need plastic packing bags?
Plastic packaging is almost everywhere.
How big is the vacuum pack 28*40cm?
Now the standard of living has improved, basically the vacuum bag. This will improve the product's shelf life, preservation time is longer, more conducive to product sales.
What kind of material is the urea packing bag made of?
The main material of urea woven bags consists of polypropylene and polyethylene.
Printing process of packaging bag
If it is cut into pieces, use a special press for packing bags or screen printing.Screen printing, screen opened relatively simple, but the requirements of the substrate surface is relatively smooth, simple process, relatively low cost, but the adhesion of the ink requirements are relatively high.
What's the raw material of the cement packing bag?
The quality of cement packing bags directly affects the shelf life of cement. Bags of cement raw material is polypropylene resin, mainly for foreign production of polyethylene (PE), mainly for the domestic production of polypropylene (PP), then add some additives, after the heating wire drawing, then weaving, printing and so on, the higher the quality of the cement bag inner lining!
Printing solvent for food packing bag
Use a moisture indicator to determine the content in the solvent. The water indicator is put into the solvent, and the water content varies with different colors. Depending on the color change, the amount of water in the solvent can be roughly determined.
What's the packing of the air in the food package?
Carbonated drinks are mostly filled with carbon dioxide gas CO2, and its own drinks are carbon dioxide ingredients in the majority, with CO2 replacement of the air, but also for the preservation of the product, to ensure the taste, but also improved the shelf life.In addition, some food packaging is filled with a certain proportion of mixed gas, may be O2+CO2+N2, N2+CO2, O2, +CO2. This is also based on the needs of different enterprises, different customers.
Can aluminum packaging bags be recycled?
Pure aluminum foil packaging: such as barbecue foil, baked aluminum foil, fast food aluminum box (air fast food), because users scattered, recycling is difficult, there is no recycling reports.