Stainless Steel Pint Glass

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Fire aluminum glass is what glass where to sell
Safety glass in accordance with the construction, and industry (such as curtain walls, doors and windows) to choose to use safety glass (steel, plastic, etc.)
Whether the civil tender contains the curtain wall and does not contain the curtain wall, behind the owner and the general contract of the contract agreement What is the difference
If the total tender documents contain curtain wall, indicating that the total subcontract management, behind the curtain wall unit calibration, signed the total package, the owner and the curtain wall units of the tripartite agreement, take the total package of the notice and the three parties can be directly filed for the record.
Curtain wall design documents review how qualified newspaper supervision
Upstairs that is also OK, but I think the best to play an A4 table, followed by a certificate sent in the past better, so it seems more formal, but the certificate to his copy is on the line.
What are the curtain wall materials to do? The beginning of the time
Curtain wall works include: 1, curtain wall works to complete the map, structural calculations, design instructions and documents; 2, the architectural design unit of the curtain wall engineering design confirmation documents; 3, the curtain wall works with a variety of materials, hardware accessories, components and components of product certification, performance testing reports, admission inspection records and re-inspection report; 4, the curtain wall works of the silicone structure of the identification of the certificate and the inspection certificate, the import of silicone structural adhesive business certification, silicone structural adhesive compatibility and peel adhesion report, stone sealant with the pollution test report ; 5, post-embedded pieces of the field tensile strength test report; 6, the wind wall of the wind pressure deformation performance, airtight performance, watertight performance and other design requirements of the performance test report; 7, glue, curing the environment temperature, humidity records, two-component silicone structure of the mixing test of plastic and pull test records; 8, lightning protection device detection burn; 9, hidden engineering acceptance documents; 10, the curtain wall components and components of the production of burning, curtain wall installation construction records; 11, tension rod cable prestressed tension record; 12, water test records;
Curtain wall energy-saving project acceptance of the general project which
Construction and installation requirements, including insulation material fixed, partition thermal bridge, steam layer, ventilation equipment, glass installation, shade installation, condensate set system installation.
What is the construction process of the point glass curtain wall?
The curtain wall is the outer wall of the building, is not bearing the weight, just like the curtain hanging. At present, many large and high-rise buildings commonly used in light walls are used this.
Residential stone curtain wall design height of not more than 50m to demonstrate it
Not more than 50 meters, do not need expert argument.
Stainless steel sheet approach to provide any proof of quality documents
The simplest is the material certificate slightly, generally large steel mills are made of stainless steel material certificate. If your product needs environmentally friendly, then the use of stainless steel on the need for environmental certification, like ROSH certification.