R49 Fiberglass Insulation

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Plastic doors and windows and plastic windows do not like?
According to the material plastic doors and windows can be divided into PVC plastic doors and windows and glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) doors and windows. The following are the same as the " 1, PVC plastic doors and windows 1) In all kinds of building windows, PVC plastic windows in saving energy production profiles, recycling of recycled materials and the use of energy consumption has a prominent advantage in the insulation and energy saving has excellent performance and low cost. The following are the same as the " 2) In order to increase the rigidity of the window, in the window frame, sash, the tread profile of the force bar, should be based on the strength of the wind pressure design and other requirements to determine what kind of reinforced steel. The following are the same as the " 3) Coextrusion of UPVC resin with colored polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) or acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate copolymer (ASA), as well as coating on white profiles, can be coated with a variety of textures and A variety of surface color decorative effect. In addition, UPVC resin powder is also added to the pigment mixture extrusion of the body dyeing technology. But there are still different views on this technology, it should be particularly careful in the selection, to check the kind of profiles by artificial accelerated aging test after the color changes. It is recommended to coat the color film with the color film to improve its weatherability.
How to identify the installation of plastic or plastic
Through the cutting, welding, etc. made of doors and windows of the frame fan, equipped with sealing tape, tops, hardware and other accessories made of doors and windows, in order to enhance the rigidity of the profile, more than a certain length of the cavity need to add reinforced steel (steel Lining), this kind of doors and windows called plastic doors and windows.
Is not aluminum alloy better than steel?
Aluminum alloy steel has its own advantages and disadvantages, in general, aluminum alloy is better than steel, high grade. Steel is hard plastic squeeze into the cavity, then will be coupled with the steel lining, which see the strength of the manufacturers of doors and windows, and if the thickness of the steel lining is not enough, a long time will be deformed, but the price is low, because it is plastic So it is not a special heat. Aluminum alloy must be a new type of aluminum, not the kind of the oldest kind of aluminum, the new aluminum cavity and plastic steel is the same, but the material is aluminum, good age, metal is hot fast, but It is also possible to add a kind of insulation material, cold bridge (also called broken bridge), plus this material can solve the problem of insulation, but also can do both positive and negative colors , Aluminum alloy is the high price of the general high-end district are equipped with aluminum alloy.
Plastic profile brittle extrusion process unreasonable reasons
Excessive or insufficient material This is related to the process temperature setting and feeding ratio. The temperature setting is too high to cause the material to be plasticized. Some of the components with low molecular weight in the component will decompose and evaporate. The temperature is too low. Fully welded, the molecular structure is not strong, while the feed ratio is too large cause the material heating area and shear increases, the pressure increases, easily lead to plastic; feeding ratio is too small material heating area and shear reduction, Resulting in less plasticized, whether it is plastic or plastic surgery will cause plastic profiles crisp cutting collapse phenomenon.
Will the model of steel profiles (such as 88-type extrusion profiles, 80 extrusion profiles) is based on what to develop ah
The so-called 88,80,60, refers to the bottom of the profile width. The unit is millimeter. The profile manufacturers have these specifications are refers to the bottom of the width is the same, but different manufacturers of profile height is not exactly the same.
What belongs to plastic profiles
Plastic profiles are used more: window frames, staircase handrails, troughs, wall feet, shaped tubes and so on. Raw materials are mainly hard PVC, a few are semi-hard PVC, soft PVC, polyurethane low foam and other materials. Plastic profiles with its excellent thermal insulation performance is listed as one of China's key development of building materials. In the production of plastic profiles, the need to pay attention to what problems in order to ensure the quality of profiles and technology.
What is the broken bridge of aluminum? What are the characteristics?
Broken bridge aluminum bridge is actually aluminum material, but in the middle of the aluminum through the insulation bar, the aluminum cut off the formation of broken bridge, which is characterized by: 1, broken bridge aluminum insulation is good, good air tightness: aluminum-plastic composite profiles in the plastic thermal conductivity is low, good insulation effect, coupled with a good air tightness, in the cold area despite the outdoor minus tens of degrees, Indoor is warm as spring. ?????? 2, broken bridge aluminum sound insulation is good: its structure has been carefully designed, seams tight, using the insulating glass. Test results The sound insulation standard is: 30db, in line with the relevant noise material standards. ?????? 3, broken bridge aluminum is not easy to deformation, impact resistance: the broken aluminum and aluminum plastic composite profile of the outer surface of aluminum alloy material, so it is much stronger than the impact resistance of plastic window profiles, long years of use is not easy to deformation.
Is the powder produced when the crushed plastic is crushed?
1, plastic shredders and power units to be installed firmly. If you need plastic crusher long-term fixed operation, it should be fixed on the basis of cement; if you need plastic crusher flow operation, the unit should be installed in the angle made of iron on the base, and to ensure that the power machine (diesel or motor) and plastic The pulley groove of the crusher is in the same plane of rotation. 2, after the installation of plastic crusher to check the Department of fasteners fastening, if loose to be given to tighten. Also check the belt tightness is appropriate. 3, plastic shredder before starting, first hand rotation of the rotor, check the claws, hammer and rotor operation is flexible and reliable, broken room with or without collision phenomenon, whether the direction of rotation of the rotor and arrows in the same direction, Plastic crusher lubrication is good. 4, do not casually replace the pulley, to prevent the speed is too high to cause the explosion chamber explosion, or too low speed affect the efficiency of the pulverizer. 5, plastic shredder should be maintained after the first start idle 2 ~ 3min, no abnormal phenomenon after feeding work. 6, the work should always pay attention to the operation of the plastic crusher, first of all, to be uniform to prevent the blockage of waste room; Second, do not work for a long time overload. If you find a vibration, noise, bearing and body temperature is too high, such as spraying out of the phenomenon, should immediately stop checking, troubleshooting can continue to work.