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Lawnmower carburetor oil spill how the matter
Even before and after the cylinder head cover, before and after the valve tappet room, oil filter, oil pan liner and other organic oil exudation, but can not find the obvious oil spill, should check the crankcase ventilation device, clean crankshaft Box ventilation pipe, in particular, check whether the PCV valve due to carbon deposition and adhesive stuck caused by poor work. If the crankcase ventilation is likely to lead to the crankcase pressure is increased, resulting in multiple oil leakage phenomenon.
139 mower how to adjust how much adjustment
This is actually no absolute answer, but I tell you a skill and principle, the first position must be right, refers to the crankshaft
How to change the lawn mower?
Note: the release of waste oil should be kept in good condition, take the waste oil to accept the receiver, not a pollution situation.
How does the lawnmower maintain?
Filling the oil can not be too little, otherwise it will be: the engine gear noise, piston ring to accelerate wear and damage, and even appear Lawa and other phenomena, resulting in serious damage to the engine. Use should pay attention to safety.
How to clean the lawnmower carburetor
The main cleaning parts: the main oil channel hole, oil room, oil control needle and so on. The complete removal of carburetor precipitation and accumulation of impurities,
The working principle of the lawn mower
Cutter lifting device is generally controlled by the hydraulic system, to enhance the rapid and convenient, to ensure that the cutter on the complex ground adaptability. The safety device is mainly to ensure the safety of the transmission and the cutter. On the high speed of the lawn mower, the general use of decoupling safety devices. When the cutter resistance is too large, the safety device is automatically decoupled, the cutter swing back, while cutting off the power of the cutter
What is the problem with the Kokas Mower?
Any company in order to stand out in the same industry, must meet one of the two conditions, one is special, the second is the price. The so-called special is that you have no other people's function, and very practical, is the people see tangible function, this feature will be very attractive; two so-called price, that is, people often say that the price war, if your product, in the The same function and performance on the basis of, can reduce costs and make your price lower than others, then you will become the focus of the people. So the company's new product is the "special" characteristics of the concept.
What are the classification of mowers?
2, according to the power drive mode can be divided into human and animal power drive, engine drive, electric drive, solar drive .3, according to mowing way can be divided into hobbing, rotary knife, side hanging, rejection knife.