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Why calculate the amount of time to count a lot of cushion ah
Cushion cushion, as the name suggests is the structure of the liner layer, mainly from the back cover of the role, generally in the engineering design drawings have a clear approach (material).
What is the relationship between the cushion and the ring beam?
Ring beam is reinforced concrete. Is to increase the overall wall and overall stiffness, improve the side resistance performance, according to the earthquake or masonry specifications set. There may be in the ground wall, there may be in the underground wall.
What is the waterproof layer and the waterproof cushion in the tile roof?
Waterproof: In order to prevent rainwater from entering the roof, groundwater infiltrates the wall, the basement and the underground structures, and the indoor water penetrates the floor and the wall.
Is the raft cushion waterproofing full of the cushion?
Assuming (just suppose) the raft can easily turn over, then we do waterproof (like roof) directly on it, not waterproof on the cushion.
Basement cushion waterproof
Five, how the basement moisture: 1, moisture-proof material This is the decoration in the attention of the problem, the basement is relatively humid place, so when we should pay attention to the decoration, the choice of wallpaper, tiles and other moisture-proof effect of better decoration materials, and other basement ceiling, floor, walls are To be the best waterproof. 2, ventilation and moisture Strengthen the air circulation on the moisture is more helpful, can effectively reduce the indoor moisture content. 3, electrical dehumidification If you run into the rainy weather, outdoor air humidity is relatively high, it is not suitable for long ventilation, you can use the exhaust fan, air conditioning or dehumidifier and other machines for indoor dehumidification. 4, desiccant dehumidification In addition to the use of a variety of electrical dehumidification can also be placed some moisture damp dehumidification effect of small items, such as desiccant, charcoal and other indoor moisture, but the desiccant is a service life, the general need for frequent replacement. 5, to warm moisture Installation of warmth is also one of the effective means of underground moisture protection, to warm the basement room temperature can be maintained at a certain temperature can keep the room dry and not wet, but pay attention to the temperature is not too high will cause the room is too dry, Comfortable.
The roof cushion is waterproof on the slope roof
and the formation of the ice dam will lead to roof water, water will find the path into the house.
Is it possible to make a waterproof layer
1, to do after the dry do, or prone to the phenomenon of wall skin off.
When the cushion is used, the thickness of the protective layer is not less than ()
The purpose of the protection, one is to avoid man-made mechanical damage; the second is to prevent climate, UV aging, to extend the service life; three in the planting roof protection layer is to prevent plant roots puncture, different effects using different methods of protection.