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I have a small 4X2 area in which I need to re-tile. The area now is outdoors and is set inside of a concrete slab. Who ever installed the tiles before installed them like paver's where they backfilled the small area with sand (about 3). My question is can I use durock or another cement board to get a solid surface for tiling or do I need to refill the area with concrete? I don't know too much about concrete work which is why I am looking to use the cement boards.Thanks
u could thin set the concrete board but u would be better to redo the slap to what is needed and then tile it , cement work is not difficult , Im sure u can get pointers from the big box store or local hardware, good luck !!!
I found these in a house I bought and am not sure what they are nor what they would be used for. I'd hate to just throw them out if they could be used.
Backer board instead of drywall in areas with moisture issues such as bathrooms and kitchen back splash area, or as an underlayment for tile.
I currently have a cheap ceramic tile on my bathroom floor. It is set on cement board. I would like to replace it with a slate-like porcelain tile. Can I simply remove the ceramic tile or do I have to also tear out the cement board and replace it? How big of a project is this? I previously installed porcelain tile on a plywood floor over cement board and am wondering if the demolition creates a bigger problem.
Yes you can reinstall on the cement board. Just be careful not to damage it when removing the old tile. If you do it is fairly easy to lay down a new layer of cement board. If you are capable of installing tile, then you are capable of putting in the cement board.
Paste and Advantages of Cement Pressure Plate
Calcium silicate board, fiber cement pressure plate is the ideal decoration of the permanent building plate. Walls, ceiling also applies to the wall, the activities of the floor, table, billboards, goods cabinets, kitchen latrines, goods cabinets, fire Pipe, furniture liner, fire door lining. Disadvantages: easy to cause crevice cracking, and deal with the gap is too much trouble. (Thermal expansion and contraction is relatively strong in the reason)
how do I lay cement board on a concrete floor with out screws?
Why do you want to? If you're laying tile, just use a thinset made to bond to cement.
Two centimeters thick cement board is always cracked
Thickness is not enough, the normal playing cement board need to add pebbles or claw stone, the thickness of at least 5cm, 2cm cement board in order to not crack, inside put steel cafe, very cheap.
in other words: Houses in Mexico are well done.In USA are disposable.
Price!!! Im building a house in Mexico. Its the first house I have ever built so im learning a lot. But let me tell you from my experience. Building out of brick and cement is a lot more expensive and difficult than wood. If built right, a brick house can last for centuries. A brick house can have all the look of a wood house too. Which is what most american like and are used to. The cost though, is greater for the bricks. Brick houses are still build in the US, but not too often.
How to deal with the cracks in cement foam board
Cement is the main factor affecting the cracking of foamed cement board. The higher the cement label, the higher the strength of the product produced, but also the easier it is to crack. This is because the cement hydration reaction, the resulting internal temperature of the cement and the external temperature difference between the external environment, so if you want to maintain the strength of foam cement board unchanged, then the cause of the cracking, to rely on the late meticulous Conservation to solve.