Electric Heating Installation

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Stainless steel kettle for drinking water, will it be harmful to human body for a long time? Please, great God!
Stainless steel containers harm the human body, now, the family of stainless steel meals, cooking utensils, stainless steel thermos cups, bottles, etc., increasing, but the use of special attention should be paid to prevent damage to the human body. Stainless steel is then mixed with iron chromium alloy of nickel, platinum, titanium and other metal elements.
The electric kettle temperature control switch is broken. How can I fix it?Can't fix it!
After heating, the indicator light does not turn onThe fault is often caused by power supply without adding electric heating tube circuit. When overhaul resistance of R * 10 with a multimeter measuring gear base power line 3 core plug L and N ends. Normally, without pressing the reset switch when the resistance is infinite, press the button when the 1500W electric kettle corresponding resistance is 32 ohm. If you press the button for resistance with heating of the tube can be measured. This circuit not pot body 3 core plug N, L resistance, the normal value above. If measured normal results, show that the fault in the base part, should check the power line and the base socket connection is broken or poor contact, a simple structure in general, can quickly find the fault.If the measured resistance is infinite, the fault in the circuit inside the pot body, should open the handle cover components such as maintenance. Focus on the power supply (reset) switch and switch insulation. Multimeter R * 1 gear check switch action and contact on-off case is good. If it is found that the adverse action, the bending angle can be checked a temperature sensing piece of switch and the connecting rod position is normal, otherwise should carry on correction; if the switch action is normal and the contacts are not connected, indicating switch reed or contact damage, can open the switch box cleaning and maintenance.If the power switch is normal, then the fault occurred in the insulation switch. First look at the bimetal if the reed pressure switch contact rod (Bai Sugan), if the pressure is too tight, it can clamp the bent upward, until the distance between the 0.1mm so far. If the spacing of the bimetal sheet and switch contact rod should be normal. Open the switch box, cleaning and maintenance insulation switch springs and contacts.
Is the electric kettle or charge for the notebook?
Common electric kettle power 1000-2000W, 1000W hour, once 2000W, two kwh of electricity.1000W electric kettle boil a pot of water 1/4 degrees electricity, 2000W a pot of water, half degree of electricity (usually two kinds of water kettle is different), burning two pots of water a day, that is, once electricity.My notebook is five hours of electricity, if possible power consumption of your books and I don't like this, but also not much worse, a two day burning pot of water, and one day with five hours of books, electricity almost.
How much power does an electric kettle of 1000W-1500W consume at one time?
1000W uses 1 hours and consumes 1 kwh of electricity;1500WUse 1 hours to consume 1 points, 5 degrees of electricity
How to remove the tea dirt in the electric kettle?
Boiling water kettle for a long time, will bear a layer of white water in the kettle, it is not easy to clean. You can try in the evening before going to bed, with a strong vinegar brine with a pot, until the morning of the second day, and then the steel brush dip detergent scrub look, the scale is easily fall off.
How to get rid of the kettle rust, that piece of water, there is a brush and brush off, usually
Electric kettle boil potato descalingIn the new electric kettle, put more than half a kettle of potatoes, fill up the water, cooked the potatoes, and then boil water, there will be no water scaling. But pay attention to the kettle boiled potatoes, the walls do not scrub, otherwise it will lose the role of descaling. For the old kettle full of scale, after boiling one or two times with the above method, not only the original scale will gradually fall off, but also play a role in preventing fouling.
When the kettle boils, the light goes out for a while, it's dark at night, and at the end the water boils, but time gets longer
The temperature control device (such as drawing) has bad contact with the copper contact piece. Because of the long time use, the raw copper sheet has been deformed upwards, and the copper contact plate has been adjusted downward so that it can be repaired in place.
Is glass electric kettle good or stainless steel?
Glass kettle, more beautiful, and I feel not so much stainless steel scale, cleaning more convenient, the price I do not know, if I bought it, I would choose the Taobao Golden Dolphin electrical mall, they feel trusted