Aluminum Foil Solar Eclipse

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so i want to start melting aluminum (just for the fun of it) and i'm not very handy with building homemade furnaces, so i was wondering if i could buy one online. I noticed that they sold some furnaces that melts lead, but isn't hot enough to melt aluminum, and they also sell some furnaces that melt gold, which will be strong enough to melt aluminum, but too expensive.
Aluminum melts at about 1100 degrees, so you're going to need a 1200 degree furnace. Personally, I would use an acetylene torch with a rosebud. I've melted plenty o faluminum that way, just to pass time in the shop when I was bored.
In my science project for high school, I am using a 6V battery with series, parallel and combination circuits to power Christmas lights in a model houseI can make a simple switch with aluminum foil on a thread spool but I need to also make two 3-way switches to turn lights on and off from either switchI also need to make a fuse (aluminum foil strips? steel wool strands?) and a pressure-activated switch activated by opening the model house closet doorAll ideas and URLs appreciated.
I have been in the same position you haveHere are some cheap foods high on protien and low budgetChiken Tuna Chili;) ham or turkey (like those ones you put in your sandwiches) cottage cheese ALSO try eating some veggies you can go to a walmart or cosco or whatever and buy a bag of veggiesthey usually contain carrots, brocoli, and coli flower just pop a serving or 3 in the microwave for like to mins and pop ther you go :)
If I wrap boston butt in saran wrap should I also wrap woth foil in oven cooking?
DON'T WRAP IT IN SARAN WRAP BEFORE COOKING!! The plastic wrap will meltIt will ruin the meat and the fumes are toxicIf you don't have a covered roasting pan, put your butt in a roasting pan and cover with aluminum foilDoc Hudson
I live across the street from a park that provides free WiFi and I can get a weak signal (2Mbps) from the window closest to the park however I use my laptop from a desk which is about 10 feet away and no signalI have no access to their routher (obviously) but would like to know if there is some way to boost the signal so I can connect to the web with decent speedNot looking to build a satellite with a salad bowl, aluminium foil, a cell phone and ethernet cable though it would be funny if that really workedAppreciate any suggestions, insightThanks.
Buy a wireless card with an extended range.
I want to make cheese biscuits, but the recipes calls for cookie sheetsI don't have any of that kind and all I have is aluminum foil [ with butter and/or cooking spray]If not, any other options?
This is very much like a falling object with air resistance reaching terminal velocity as it fallsThis happens because the upwards force (air resistance) increases as speed increasesThe initial air resistance is zero and acceleration gBut as speed increases the air resistance increases and eventually becomes the same magnitude as the object's weightThen we get terminal velocity (air resistance equals the object's weight and acceleration 0)This is just the same for the falling magnetThe upwards force is magnetic, not air resistance but otherwise it’s the same processInitial acceleration gEventually upwards magnetic force equals weight and the magnet will reach a terminal velocity (acceleration falls to zero)Which way round (north/south, top/bottom) makes no difference(NoteCopper works better than aluminium because of the lower resistivity.)
How to choose wine cooler fridge?
What can cause vibration during driving is worn out tires, when they get old , the tires dont rotate well over the concreteThis may not be the problem but this CAN be a cause.
What liquids or solids react negatively when they come in contact with aluminum?
It radically expanded it because the steam engine is what got factories, mass ironworks, and most importantly, the railroad industry going and it was VERY important to the coal and iron mining industryThe railroad caused a HUGE demand for iron because it was needed to build the tracks, and coals massively expanded because it was needed to power the steam engine of the locomotives of the timeThe steam engine was ultimately behind a massive increase in the amount of jobs and opportunities for people to work for it, changing it forever.
If i took gum out of wrapper, how long would it last in regular aluminum foil or ziploc bag, cuz i need to use the gum wrappers
sounds better, the problem with crusts is they get too moist, i have never heard of wraping them and refridgerating them but as long as you are careful wrapping them the foil should work.