12 Volt Solar Panel Inverter

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differs a lot from the left battery to the right? from left to right, each battery uses successivly less water from a lot to hardly any each time I add water. these are the standard wet batteries exactly the same as those used in fork lifts.
If I understand your question you have 4 total 6 volt batteries constituting a bank of 4 batteries in series/parallel, which should produce a high capacity 12 volt output. First of all I'm assuming that all of these batteries are in the same circuit and would be subject to the same loading and charging and they are wired correctly. That being the case I would be surprised if there was a great difference between any of the four batteries use of water. It sounds to me like if some of the same batteries are requiring lots of water at whatever interval you are checking there is a problem, especially if one or more of the others aren't. If this is the case my advice would be to contact the battery manufacturer and find out the proper process to equalize all four batteries. If you have one or more of these batteries using excessive water there is a problem. Remember this principal: When using two or more batteries your power is only as good as the weakest battery. That is why you always replace flashlight batteries together with two new ones. It sounds as though one or more of the batteries are sulphating, which will greatly reduce their capacity and generate excess heat boiling off the electrolyte prematurely. Check out my suggestion to equalize the batteries, which if they aren't too far gone will get them all back on equal footing again. Good luck.
hii have a sony laptop and the battery is TERRIBLE lasting at most 30 mins. at uni and will use the laptop in lectures etc i will need to be able to use laptop without it being plugged in. i have been told that you can get external batteries that will last like 4 or so hours. does anyone recomend one?thanks
it really all depends on the type of laptop you have. since you have the sony laptop, check out the sony website and see what is recommended for your laptop. som batteries will work, others won't.
I have a home made batter pack consisting of (8) 3 volt batteries. I need a charger so does this mean I need to get a 24V charger? I'm curious because if it's a battery pack, wouldn't the charger charge each individual battery cell up to its peak voltage, therefore not needing a 24 volt charger?
Depends, are they wired in series or in parallel? In series, it would be 24V, if wired in parallel it would be 3 volts. You should not be making homemade battery packs if you dont know these basic fundamental properties of electricity. You going to blow up the batteries and hurt yourself.
I'm asking this because when i leave the battery pack in the Xbox there is this faint green light shown in the circle, does this waste battery?
well if the controller is on then yes this would waste battery life but when the controller is off NO battery life is wasted if the green light is going around in a circle then that means that you need to change your batteries
how long will it run for on a 5 amp battery pack
basic physics states that current power divided by voltage and in this case that equals a figure of 1.25. In essence the tv will drain 1.25 amps from the battery pack each hour so will last 4 hours
I just bought two of these new charge and play battery packs for my xbox 360 controllers, and the ring of light on the controller won't stop flashing. I can't sync a new controller to the system, control anything, or even turn the controller off (unless I take out the battery pack). All 4 quadrants on the ring of light on the controller flash simultaniously. I bought two of these, and neither of them seem to work, so I must be doing something wrong.Thanks for any help.
i had the same problem yesterday with a controller i got for christmas and some battery packs. what i did is sync one controller with the xbox then put the new batteries in other controllers and sync them, it wouldnt let me sync without already having one currently synced and turned on
i have had a rechargable battery pack for my xbox 360 wireless controller for a few months and its the kind where u take the back of and but it on a charger and when its charging it turns red, and when its dsone it truns green, lately it become dead and i put it on and it does green insteadof red, it did tht for a few months but still charged it, now it barely charges it. what is wrong and wat do i do?
you simply need to replace the batteries. rechargeable batteries loose the ability to retain power. i also have rechargeable batteries for my xbox controllers and i would say batteries last about 5 months with regular usage.
Do the nyco battery packs and charging dock or regular rechargable batteries work better for the Wii remote?
I use the ones for digital cameras (rechargeable). They are more expensive at first but last longer between charges.