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My husband is interested in buying solar panels for the roof and i dont know where to find them.
I co own Sunpower Solutions. We are a solar company in South Jersey. I can tell you that the average cost for a system under 7Kw, is $7.95 per watt. What people fail to realize, is that there is a lot more that goes into a PV system than just panels. Racking, hardware, combiner box, inverters, labor to put the panels up, pay the electrician that ties it all together, the architect that measures the wind load on the panels, etc. It's not cheap. Although, in the state of NJ, the the amount of time it takes for the system paying for itself, is 4 years. It doesn't matter if it's a huge system or the smallest PV system, it's 4 years. Any questions, just ask. @Martin: The thing with those programs, is that the company that is leasing the system, is taking advantage of the renewable energy credit that the system is producing. Yes you get cheap electricity, but you are not taking advantage of the money making ability of the renewable energy credits.
i was told that by making a solar panel they cause more pollution than they will end up getting rid of. Is that true?
A study by the US Department of Energy shows that, depending on your solar panels, the energy payback is to 4 years. Solar panels usually last 25 years, so solar manufacturing is very green. That said, if you buy American made panels, it saves more carbon from the transport costs. Something to consider in choosing your panels.Actually, most panel manufacturers will recycle the panels after you’re through in 25 years. If they don’t, don’t buy those panels. However, it’s hard to say whether people will actually recycle them because most panels are still being used today. So it’s up to you find out about the manufacturer’s panel recycling program. From what I understand, they will come to you and take them away at no charge.
Maximum size of solar panel i have to use is - 8 * 5 feet - this is the limitation given to us.
As in the reply to the other version of your question - you should be able to get that wattage much of the time during full daylight from the area you specify, but your location, weather, and ability to mount the panel(s) at the best angle to the sun at time you most need the energy (winter? summer?) Instead of going with guess work on the efficiency of the panels you are considering, the people who want to sell you panels (or their website) should be able to tell you from the angle of your mount (roof?) and location, etc., an estimate of the average and maximum power available and the kWH during various seasons. This has to be known for either buying the batteries for storage or knowing the economics of feeding back into the grid, depending on the method used.
can anyone help me? i was thinking of installing solar panels to cut bills but would it be a waste considering its gonna need a circulating pump running almost 24/7 (which will use electricity) and even still will only provide me with quot;warmwater? also would it be possible to install the solar panels for the sole purpose of providing sufficient power to run electric heaters instead of using gas/oil? this way allowing me to have a warm house without the expensive bills. brobably talking about running 7 heaters/electric radiators.
A thermal solar panel to feed your water heater is the most efficient. But you need a classic heater system too when there is no or little sun. Solar panels to heat a home is not at all recommended. First of all, you get less day light and less sun in winter, so you won't get much electricity. They work best in summer, but electric panels have poor yields and are a very long term investment. You will need to wait years before saving money. Natural gas, a well isolated home, and a good old sweater is the best way to cut bills.
I am building a solar car for the energy wiz competition and I was wondering how I could possibly get my solar panel to shift sideways
having solar panels move like that on a mobile platform is inadvisable -- especially if there is a dynamic wind load resulting from the motion of the mobile platform. Even having a tilt mechanism is dubious at best. think of what limited marginal gain would be gained by mounting a small solar panel on the moon roof of a car. (ultimately, the best answer is to turn the car so that it's angle to the sun is optimal -- but the road/travel direction constraints are what ultimately prohibit that.) while there are ways to build sliding panels, the weight constraints would interfere with your weight/thrust ratios to the point of futility. if you really need that panel somewhere else, don't slide it out of the way, just buy another panel and mount it there. it's more expensive, but it's actually the cheapest solution in terms of design on a mobile platform.
Plz also label the price for the panel. I want a small panel but can produce a sufficent amount of energy. thank you :)
This one.
i am looking at installing some solar panels and a wind turbine for electricity.has anybody got one of these and how much do they save you?thanks
I don't have one myself, but some of my neighbors did. They said that wind is cost effective. The equipment will make money over the lifetime of the equipment. When they did the calculations for solar, the savings did not cover the cost of the equipment over its lifetime. They were very happy with their wind turbine and several months even got paid by the power company for putting energy back into the grid. However, this was when I lived in Kansas. Wind does matter on location.
im doin a science experiment and i have a battery that is 3.6 volts , does it matter wut voltage the solar panel that im connecting it to is . Does it need to match , be less or does voltage have no effect . If so wut does matter when choosing the type of solar panel to power a bettery?
Try to disassembled a solar powered calculator inside there will be all the materials u need to your project. U can safe all the trouble to trying to find the correct match. After using try to put it back in if not possible it is just a broken calculator, at least u still have a successful science project.