Solar Inverter In Pakistan

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do solar panels create electricity from the ultraviolet light created from the sun? because they only have an efficientcy of like 8% and this scientist found out a way to collect the visible light also, and he says the solar panel could have an effeciency of up to 80%! so my question really is, do solar penels creat electricity from heat? do you know of anything that can?
They create electricity from light energy provided by the sun....
Initial cost , space occupied AND DAILY CYCLE (unless through a battery) are the only disadvantages. REST ARE ALL ADVANTAGES
Do higher watt solar panels last longer, efficiency-wise? 3 installers gave me quotes with 3 different sunpower panels. The 225, 25, 20 watt panels. Whats the con and pro's of the different wattages?
If they're all from Sunpower, they're all going to be very similar. Personally, I would ask each supplier to quote with the same model of panel, and see how the prices come out. I would buy based on just dollars per watt, assuming warranty and power tolerance were the same. The lower power panels are often a better bargain, just as the slower, slightly older CPUs in computers are a bargain.
If I wanted to put some solar panels on my roof, how many would i need and how many watts would they have to be to be able to power my whole house?
all depend to the surface of your solar panel
The amount of electricity a solar panel produces depends on various factors such as its size, efficiency, location, and weather conditions. On average, a standard-sized solar panel can generate around 250 to 400 watts of electricity per hour under optimal conditions. However, this output can vary significantly throughout the day and across different seasons.
So how does a solar panel work? Where does the energy get stored in? How much does one cost for a small 2 family home? How much money would we save on electricity?
In the short, a solar panel is composed of many solar cells...all tied together and in some sort of a frame for mounting. When energy from the sun hits it, it creates a reaction which can feed electricity through leads to a converter system which takes the Direct Current power and converts it into Alternating Current. If you rewire your house for DC products I suppoes you wo'nt need the converter. but most of these systems are retro-fits. Batteries provide back up source to the system when the sun goes down. So solar is converted to electricity through the panel, which goes to your solar system which both provides power to the house and to recharge batteries. The batteries take over when the sun is down. So you will need to know how much battery capacity you need by calculating the Amp hour rating of your applicances that you normally use at night like Microwave, TV, radio, refrigerator, etc. For some depending on the appliance....water heater (if electric) or stove) then you need to figure out how many panels you need to provide your normal daily energy use, figure out how many batteries you need, set up a distribution system that gives you what you need where you want it and wa la. Once done, you will be off the grid and paying nothing from the electrical utility. Some places due to deregulations allow you to sell excess power to local utilities too, but those systems need to meet tight standards.
I thought they were going to make solar powered cars and solar power plants among other things. It was only nearly 0 years ago that solar power was the big thing. Just curious, why did it die out?
The technology did not die out. It is in fact quite alive and well, and there exist many different manufacturers of solar panels and devices utilizing them. The problem is that the technology has not yet advanced sufficiently to generate large amounts of power with solar panels, at least not with panels of any practical size and weight. You can easily buy a panel which will trickle-charge your car's battery during the day, but nothing that can generate anywhere near the power required to actually move a car's mass at any significant speed. You would need to buy panels with a very large surface area to make any significant amount of power, and these panels would be very heavy and very expensive.
They absorb solar heat and transform it into electricity, so there should be less heat left to warm the planet. Shouldn't we at least plaster all the world's deserts with them?
The opposite - they heat the Earth up. The ground underneath might be brown or green or sand. The solar panels are Black. They absorb more radiant energy. Solar electricity is energy and somewhere down the wire will produce heat. Solar's saving grace is that it has the same heating effect year after year. But greenhouse gasses have a cumulative effect. The excess gasses produced in year one are added to the gasses in year two, etc. For instance say the heating of soalr cells is 5 times (5s) that of greenhouse gasses (g). Year - Total Heating - 5s + g 2 - 5s + 2g 3 - 5s + 3g 4 - 5s + 4g 5 - 5s + 5g 6 - 5s + 6g 7 - 5s + 7g 8 - 5s + 8g 9 - 5s + 9g 0 - 5s + 0g etc... In 50 years you have 50 - 5s + 50g