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I need to buy a new vacuum because the dirt devil I have doesnt work. I would like some feedback before I buy a new one. I'm looking to spend around $100 dollars. Any preferred models or brands?
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I would like to know how exactly was the Vacuum cleaner invented, what is it's main purpose? Are there any unintended sequences from this invention? IE: Is it being used for things its not supposed to?Thank you for your opinions
I use mine to suck up those pesky seed moths in my bird room. I don't think that's a listed use.LOL
LOL He barks, jumps, whines and bites at the vacuum while I am using it(and with a black GSD I do have to use it alot!!). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get him used to this? When he was a puppy it did not bother him at all but as he got older, the minute it comes out of the closet he starts whining and barking at it. I have tried telling him NO as I vacuum and he will stop for a 1/2 a minute and watch it but it seems that as I am moving it back and forth across the rug he just can't help himself and he's on it again. I have tried distracting him with toys and cookies to no avail. Short of putting him outside (or in a closet JK) I don't know what to do. Anyone else who had this problem (or not) and may have some help?
Without some pretty strong detterent for that behavior its not going to go away. I have had to go to a citronella or even shock collar to break other dogs of their instinct to attack a vacuum cleaner. Its clearly a fight or flight reaction. The dog doesnt know exactly what it is but its making a lot of noise and moving in an aggressive fashion. He probably thinks hes protecting you from some crazy animal or something. For know the easiest thing is going to simply be to put him in another room. If you are okay with using a shock collar or other physical method than you can interrupt the process by making him sit and introduce the entire experience to him in stages not allowing any unwanted behavior throughout. So first with a cold water spray bottle you have him sit then bring out the vacuum. Then if he goes for it you spray him. if that works to snap him out of it then you have your training tool. SImply use the spray bottle to pre emptively strike before he acts out but after he startys growling. I hope this helps
If you think so??
Selling vacuum cleaners
Look for a new job but dont quit, its easier to find a job with a job
My roommate is allergic to cats, and when I got my kitty I told her that if her allergies got too bad, I'd send him to live with my dad, but I do NOT want to do that and am trying to find a good vacuum for someone with allergies. I'm looking for something with a HEPA filter. Can be bagless or have bags. I'd really prefer an upright to a canister. Looking in the price range of $60-$200, but willing to hear suggestions for more expensive models. MUST HELP REDUCE ALLERGENS!!
Most bagless vacuum cleaners have HEPA filters. You should be able to just go to your local target/wallmart/sears and pick one out. Another thing you can do to help is buy an air purifier for your roommate's bedroom. Most styles are basically a fan that pulls air through a HEPA filter. It would do a lot of good because allergy symptoms are usually worst in the morning right after someone wakes up since the person has been laying down sleeping which makes them prone to congestion.
mine is quot;Cheering an army of vacuum cleanerswhich is quoted from a Jim Morrison poem
“It doesn’t matter what you do…so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that’s like you after you take your hands away.”-Fahrenheit 451