Solar Micro Inverter System

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Yes, solar panels can be installed on a shaded roof. However, it is important to note that shade can significantly reduce the overall efficiency and performance of solar panels. Therefore, it is advisable to assess the extent and duration of shade on the roof before installing solar panels to ensure optimal energy generation. Additionally, alternative solutions such as ground-mounted systems or removing nearby obstructions may be considered to maximize solar panel efficiency.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a wastewater treatment plant. Solar energy is a sustainable and renewable source of power that can be harnessed to generate electricity for various applications, including wastewater treatment. By installing solar panels, the plant can reduce its reliance on conventional electricity sources and lower its carbon footprint. However, the feasibility of using solar panels for powering a wastewater treatment plant may depend on factors such as the plant's energy requirements, available space for solar panel installation, and local climate conditions.
Does a solar panel work under a full moon a tiny bit, or not at all? Likewise, if you used mirrors or lenses the concentrate sunlight, is there a maximum to how much a solar panel can handle?
solar panels should be used where the sunlight is abundant,you can use mirrors or lenses the concentrate sunlight,solar panels will absorb more light.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on backpacks or camping gear. These portable solar panels are designed to be lightweight and flexible, making them ideal for outdoor activities. They can capture solar energy and convert it into usable electricity to charge devices such as phones, cameras, or portable batteries while on the go.
i need technical and non technical details to generate MW power by solar panels
Sorry if I don't have all the specifics you asked for, but Sun Power makes the most efficient solar panels on the market, at close to 20% efficiency. They have made cells with up to 25% efficiency in the lab. That doesn't make it the cheapest but means the most watts per square foot. Thin film panels are cheaper to make but not as efficient. They are about half as efficient as conventional silicon panels. First Solar makes the cheapest per watt right now. So I guess that makes them the actuall cheapest manufacturer. They are able to make them cheap enough to beat out the conventional silicon panels on a per watt basis, despite being less efficient. A company called NanoSolar has the price down close to First Solar's price. These are manufacturers. But they do installations and build utility and commercial scale projects. NanoSolar is less far along in commercialization. They have products, but probably need to wait for the stock market to be more favorable for IPOs, so they can go public and raise the money to move up to scale. The other two are already public.
How many solar panels would it take to run an electric motor the needs 480 volts and pulls about 45 to 50 amps?
Maybe you should call up a local solar installation company and ask them. They'll be able to give you the most accurate answers - I did that too, and it was the smartest thing. Just be sure that they're reliable and they know what their talking about it! This is the company I used -
So how does a solar panel work? Where does the energy get stored in? How much does one cost for a small 2 family home? How much money would we save on electricity?
The first thing to understand is that there is nothing complex about a solar panel. It is nothing more than a collection of solar or PV cells on a board that is fitted to the most appropriate part of your home, generally on the roof. There are guides out there that teach you how to build a solar panel and a windmill for just $50, and it’s very easy to make. Best of all, you can save 70% or more on your energy bill, adding up to thousands of dollars each year in savings. I reviewed both free guides and paid guides and have come up with our top to Build your own solar panels.
why don't we take a cue from mother nature and make our soar panels like trees? thousands of leaves or needle (like a pine tree) instead of one big flat panel? I mean it seems to work pretty good for all the plants i see why would it not work for us. It would be aesthetically pleasing and with the right engineering wouldn't it make them not have to worry about tracking the sun? i already have some ideas about the process of making them just no available labratory.
Because we and the trees are trying to solve a different problem. We want electricity, a tree wants light (and some heat) for photosynthesis. In getting the electricity we use Silicon for solar panels. (Sometimes Gallium Arsenide). And we exploit the same thing in Silicon that allows them to be computer chips. The fact that they conduct differently when voltage is applied. But for a solar panel that is done essentially in reverse. We GET a voltage difference (electricity) from shoving energy through it. Look up junction bias on google or yahoo for explanation. But the DESIGN problem is: You have to couple these panels together the right way - according to their bias. You can't string them up willy nilly. There is a pattern. And when one breaks in this pattern. (I mean when the actual panel cracks, which they do easily as they are brittle). It can change the overall bias. This can make even be worse than if it was removed, it can actually fight against the working ones. The efficiency is there in arranging them like a tree, but the practicality of maintenance would be daunting.