Fibre Optic Connection

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Cable 3 (4 × 185 + 1 × 95) What does it mean?
According to Article 22.7.1 of the Electrical Design Code for Civil Buildings JGJ16-. the transmission lines and the electronic information system transmission lines shall be laid separately and shall be shielded when they are close to the laying of them in parallel by the construction conditions. High-voltage cable under normal circumstances is not allowed and weak cable with the ditch laying. If the relevant control cable does need to be with the high-voltage cable ditch, should be laid on both sides of the laying and keep the distance, but also pay attention to control cable shielding measures.
I have my old 350 power supply cable but i got a new 520 one. do i have to use the defuly 520 power suppl cable? i use my old cabbke
No, as long as it can supply the proper voltage and amperage.
having trouble finding a spot to run a power cable throught the fired wall of a 97 oldsmobile cutlass supreme
Your fuse panel might desire to be interior the automobile, and you will pull a cord off the fuse block (fuse section, no longer battery section). If no longer, you could pull a warm cord off the cigarette lighter. some autos, like my spouse's Honda, have the lighter on switched voltage (turn the biggest off and the lighter is going ineffective).
For example i have the Pelican xbox 360 av and power cables not the microsoft kind. So as i heard does it make a difference like does the intercooler still eventually melt in to your xbox 360 or will it stay normal? I ask this question because my niece also has an xbox 360 and while my 360 was getting repaired i came over to play her 360, when i plug in the intercooler it worked fine but i had a little trouble pulling the power brick cord out of the intercooler and hers is microsoft av and power cables, but when i pull my Pelican power brick cable out of my intercooler it came out easily, no trouble at all. So thats why i wanted to ask the question.
its not going to melt your xbox 360. its why they made it to cool down the system. if someone told u it will is stupid.
im curious to know if using multiple small cables to power my amp is the same or better than using a single big one??like do three 4gauge wires give more power than one 1/0 gauge wire? or is it worse?and how do i know if my amp needs more current?? THANKS
Electricity will chose the path of least resistance, and having multiple cables will mean that most of the electricity will simply go down just one of the cables. This can lead to overheating. Do it propperly, and use just the one big cable.
where do i put the wire through from the inside of the car to the battery located under the hood?
definite you could. you will might desire to purchase an o.e.m advantageous terminal so which you would be able to connect all the skill leads. you will possibly be able to desire to be extra perfect off in basic terms going the dist block direction. A 4 guage to 2 or extra 8 guage block may be discovered on OKorder for under $10 shipped quite easily.
i need to know what kind of cable i need to supply power to my internal dvd player. I ALREADY HAVE AN IDE CABLE
if you look inside your computer you should see a bunch of cables coming out of your power supply. they are usually red and black with a white connector. that is what you need to plug into your dvd player.