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I gutted the room and now would like to rebuild. One side of the room slants (it's the roof) and the other side of the room is a dormer (all low ceilings).I want to insulate the ceiling but have no ridge vents so no moving air as someone mentioned I should have. I want to install foam channels to keep the insulation away from the roof but not sure if this is a good idea without the ridge vents. I will have a vent to the outside installed on the very top of the roof however and the small attic space is open all the way through the other two upstairs rooms and I will add another roof vent on that end of the house. I will only be able to install 3 inch insulation but that's better than none at all. I live in the northeast and was told if the job isn't done right I can get ice jams in winter. Also I don't see any way to drill ridge vents. would it be ok to just install the styrofoam channels and insulate then sheet rock or am I asking for trouble? Thanks in advance for any help.
Suggestion: install the insulation with the foam channels but leave the center section (roof ridge area) open from end to end. At each end you can install a static vent or an active one. Depending on the amount of space you have you may be able to install a power vent.If you can send me a diagram with measurements I can give you a more definitive answer.
I am in the process of having a new roof installed. What are my options in regards to improving its' insulating properties?
If you have clear access to your rafters, the best insulation possible (after installing your vent baffles) is sprayed on foam. I didn't say polyurethane foam on purpose, as there is now a soy based foam available with exactly the same working and thermal characteristics as the petro-poly goop, with none of crude oil. But i digress. Sprayed on foam has the advantage of not only thermal insulation but it also seals everything that it comes in contact with, thus stopping any air movement, something that no fiberglass or extruded polyurethane could ever do. Industry experts are still debating this but, it looks like 1 inch of sprayed on foam (with it sealing qualities) does as much, if not more, than 3 1/2 inches of fiberglass and, foam will never sag or absorb moisture like glass does. Fill your rafter spaces and gloat to the neighbors when your bills come in. :)
Help please, this home had a water pipe from meter brake in the basement as it was unoccupied/empty, the owner/builder replaced all the drywall, insulation, flooring, carpet, tile, roof, windows, hot water tank, furnace, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, new paint on all, basement ceiling was spray painted black (to hide something or to seal it?). the neighbor says the home was gutted and mold tested three times, its completely redone basically a new home inside, feedback please, it "looks" great
the only element i will think of of, is your carpet takes up allot of the moisture that comes into your homestead, so given which you took that carpet up, your having extra of a buildup on the tile, even nevertheless the flooring would desire to not be moist, they are nonetheless taking moisture in throughout the air. Bleach will help kill the mould, not on the plant life nevertheless, they make sprays for that at any homestead progression keep. desire this allows.
does insulation, with a high R value, in the attic prolong the life of the shingles on the roof.
No. Ventilation prolongs the life of a roof. Ventilation also reduces the air conditioning bill by a huge amount. If you use a lot of AC, also add an automatic attic fan. As for insulation, the idea is to have a good R factor, relative to where you live, directly above the highest living space ceiling in the house
I live in central florida. I plan on installing R-30 insulation to the floor of my attic. How effective is it to install reflective insulation to the attic on the roof side? Is it worth the price?
do not insulate your roof,it will cause the roof to get VERY hot,this will damage the roofing,shorten its life,,the temp in your attic should be within 3-4 deg of outside temp,,,insulate the floor Only and have plenty of ventilation
what action should a plumber take?????
struggling to understand your question! are you talking about a storage tank? what is the problem with the insulation? if it is in the way move it but insulation under a tank is not a problem the tank will need to be insulated any way!
we have liq. ammonia storage tank (capacity 40000 ton)having double wall & suspended deck.liq. NH3 stored at temp -33 degree cent. insulation (form ) being provided to annular space (wall ) but not on top roof . can you explain for exact reason.with regardsanvar shaikh
Insulation is less necessary on the roof. The ammonia is mostly a liquid, and a liquid would absorb heat rapidly from tank walls. Above the liquid is vapor, and vapor absorb heat much less rapidly than liquid does, so insulation is less important there.
fixing my room up and it gets hot in summer so i want to put some good insulation in the roof so what could i use?
spray in insulation works better for above ceiling although you can get the rolls just make sure it's a high enough R rating.