Calcium Borate

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Why are inorganic sodium salts much better soluble in ethanol than potassium salts?
Sodium ions are smaller cations than potassium ions. Ethanol has a polar bond in the OH, but it also has a nonpolar tail, the ethyl group. So, unlike water, that has two OH groups that are polar and can interact with cations, ethanol has only one, so it requires strong electrostatic attractions to form a hydrogen bond - dipole interaction with any cation that it encounters. Being smaller, the sodium ions have their positive charge concentrated over a much smaller volume, so the polar OH bond in ethanol is more strongly attracted to the concentrated charge of the sodium than to the diffuse charge of the potassium ion, making the salt more soluble in this solvent.
and what are the kinds of organic compounds?..pls. help me abt. this..thanks!..(^_^)
I think organic compunds are anything with Carbon(C), although I really don't know.
in the ocean
Salts are the result of the association of cations and anions. Cations are usually metals like Calcium, Sodium, Potassium anions are ususally sulfates, phosphates, carbonates...... calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate are useful in making bone. Potassium Chloride is important in heart beat regulation Sodium Chloride is important in maintaining blood pressure. Carbonate is important in blood chemistry and the transfer of energy within a cell. all these salts are found in abundance in the ocean. If you follow evolution, those salts in the ocean have given rise to our own blood chemistry and organic health.
give me at least 5 substances
Inorganic Bases
Is calcium carbide inactive?
Calcium carbide, the chemical formula for the CaC2, not inorganic salts. Salt refers to the metal ions and acid ions of the compound, calcium carbide does not have the corresponding acid.
And what I specifically need are salts with Bromide, Chloride, Phospate and Carbonate ions.Thanks for any help.
That list is near endless. There are countless inorganic cations and organic groups that can combine with these ions. Pretty much every metallic element in the periodic table will form cations with bromide and chloride. Not sure about phosphate, but most metals will bind with it. Carbonate will be trickier, as some ions are too acidic and will decompose the carbonate (iron(III) is an example, and it will form the oxide instead, liberating CO2 in the process). Aside from simple elemental ions, there are also polyatomic cations (such as ammonium) and lots of complexes that will form compounds with these anions.
What are the important physiological functions of inorganic salts in cells
Maintain the living activities of the organism. Such as: magnesium ions are ATPase activator, chloride ion is an activator of saliva enzyme.
A. oxygen demanding wastesB. organic plant nutrientsC. inorganic plant nutrientsD. water soluble inorganic chemicalsE. sediment
Acids, D. water soluble inorganic chemicals salts, D. water soluble inorganic chemicals metals E. sediment