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the noise when it rains is very loud. can I place an insulation material under the polycarbonate roof to reduce noise? Thanks
You can put it up there, but it's effectiveness at cutting noise would depend on the thickness of the insulation but you should not hope for too much reduction as the hard poly roofing is screwed or nailed directly to the rafters and is a good medium for sound transference.
on a traditional pitched roof construction,where is heat insulation usually provided?
On the ceiling.Paper side down to help protect against moister.
We bought a house and put new metal roof on over the shingles. (first please don't say, this or that should have been done, just what I can do now) Any how, we have put a lot of money into the house, roof, all new electrical, all new plumbing, etc., I had to make the house in a "living in condition" with a low budget. ............ the house does not have insulation in ceilings, this has to be done next summer. (budget) Any how, the metal roof has condensation under it, only in the ridge vent area. This drips a little and I need to fix it. Now, I know that insulation wouldprobablyy fix this, but we don't have the money right now, so I need help on what to do? Is there anything that with a $100 to $200 budget can be done? I have searched a little, and maybe use a "spray-on"insulation help? The area is where the gap is at the peak and where themetall overlaps the ridge vent. (I thinkthat'ss what it's called)Thank you! :)
hope this helps. With more air movement there will not be so much condensation. it is a matter of having an inlet for air or a fan and then an outlet for air. There are small extractor fans i have one for my bathroom, but unsure of the cost.
Can I install rigid insulation between roof decking and shingles on a sloped roof?
Lot of info missing to give you a good answer. Thickness of insulation. Slope of roof. But what it really comes down to is the building code in your area, contact local building inspector,
im thinking of putting rolled felt paper under my metal roofing would that work instead of the reflective insulation instead?
I installed a metal roof 5 years ago. I stripped the roof down to the plywood and put down 30# felt. This was what the manufacturer recommended. The felt is not for insulation though. The company was Metal Sales out of PA. They are glad to give advise.
So I'm renovating an old farmhouse with a metal roof and there is no insulation in the attic. I was up in the attic checking for leaks since we just got some freezing rain and it is currently melting I thought now was the perfect time to check. I found no leaks but I did notice the roof was sweating with noticeable beads of water in many places and many of the 2x4's that act as the frame were damp, although none were rotted (I found that odd as the house is approx. 140 years old and those are the original 2x4's. I could tell that the attic does have vents so I guess it dries out before rotting or mold occurs.. but makes me wonder if I put down some roll-in faced R-30 Owens Corning Insulation and then add a plywood floor over top if everything will be fine.. or not so fine..
You need to make a determination as you if you want your attic to be conditioned or unconditioned. If you want it unconditioned, you need to make sure you have venting up high and soffit vents to allow air in. You would then insulate the floor with batts or blown cellulose or blown fiberglass. If you want the attic to be conditioned space, you would insulate the roof itself. For this I would recommend contacting a spray foam company and get their opinion. Spray foam is great for insulating roofs but it has to be done right.
How do I find roofers who are specialised in protection against invaders from outer space. I called 10 and they said they would call me back, but no one did so far. It must be really complicated.
yes it does, only if aliens truly existed have you ever stopped to think that some of these strange flying objects maybe be a VERY TOP SECRET military project, the goverment might be paying millions to the media and people so that they assume its from outer space so that their projects remain secret
the roof of my mouth hurts bad.i worked all day with sawdust and insulation this the problem.?
The okorder , and see if I could find out anything there, if not I'd see my doctor. Insulation can get into your lungs and nasal passages and do a great deal of damage. That's why you should always wear a mask when woking with it. I would'nt worry too much about the sawdust.