54 Cells Mono Solar Panel

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I know what they do and how they work, but at this point they're expensive, don't always produce enough electricity as needed, and can't be used when there's no sun, as in half the day. Wouldn't wind power seem so more efficient? Or if they do use solar panels, how about putting them in the desert. But I really believe that research money should go to fusion generators since that's the future and the answer to our problems. Which is best in your opinion?
They're more efficient than nothing, or fusion for that matter since fusion hasn't gone anywhere in the last 30 years. Since most energy is used during the day time when its light out solar panels will do pretty well. In most habbital places on the planet its light out for a good part of the day while wind doesn't blow steadily in most places.
In nature, green leaves collect light and produce energy. Is this what they copied to make solar panels? If not how hard would it be to make artificial leaves that would power our homes?
Solar panels were not made to copy leaves. Leaves have molecules that become excited when they are hit by light. They store this energy in ADP molecules and ATP molecules. This works great for biological processes, but until we learn how to use Adenosine Di/Triphosphate to transport energy, we are better off sticking with our solar panels. They produce electricity, which we know how to use.
i hav e a project for school we need to calculate cost to buy and install solar panels in our school
to okorder / you should really be able make report with this informatin. So for your school it would cost millions, you need to figure out how many kilowatts your school use, then use the information above to calculate how large of system would be required you will be very impressive and the most informed person in your school.
Hi.How efficienent are solar panels? I mean, suppose we install a kw panel.. Wil it produce 5kw in 5 hours of good sun light?Or like if its 80 percent efficient, wil it produce 4kw and so on.Also, do the chinese solar panels give the same results as compared with panels from other countries?I live in india, so we get plenty of sunlight during the day.Thanks
Most okorder
Is there any way to charge my laptop with a solar panel? Is there any panel like that. Or if I work on panels can I do something like that. If you know anything about it, can you just help me? Thanks a lot.
Deep Cycle Series batteries are designed to have a large amount of stored current discharged between charging sessions, with very heavy non-porous battery plates to withstand repeated major discharging and charging cycles (deep cycles). They are typically used where the battery is discharged to great extent and then recharged.
I know the basics of how solar panels work. Solar panels convert sunlight into DC electricity which is stored in batteries which would need to be run through an inverter to convert it to household AC. But is there a way for the appliances to use the solar panels electricity FIRST and any additional power from the grid? Is that how it works or do they only run specific devices(water heater, pool pump, etc)?
Light striking a silicon semiconductor causes electrons to stream, making power. Sunlight based force producing frameworks exploit this property to change over daylight straightforwardly into electrical vitality. Sunlight based boards (likewise called sun powered modules?e prepare immediate current (DC), which experiences a force inverter to get rotating current (AC) — power that we can use in the home or office, in the same way as that supplied by an utility force organization. There are two sorts of sun powered force creating frameworks: matrix joined frameworks, which are associated with the business power framework; and stand-alone frameworks, which encourage power to an office for prompt use, or to a battery for capacity. Network joined frameworks are utilized for homes, open offices, for example, schools and healing facilities, and business offices, for example, work places and strip malls. Power produced throughout the daytime could be utilized immediately, and in a few cases surplus power might be sold to the utility force organization. In the event that the framework doesn't produce enough power, or produces none whatsoever (for instance, on an overcast or blustery day, or around evening time) power is acquired from the utility force organization. Power preparation levels and surplus offering might be weighed continuously on a screen, a compelling approach to gage day by day vitality utilization. Remain solitary frameworks are utilized as a part of a mixed bag of provisions, including crisis power supply and remote force where conventional foundation is distract
That would depend on the frequency that the solar panel accepts and the frequency of light that your lamp gives out. It may or may not work. The sun gives out a much broader spectrum of light, which is why solar panels are much more effective in sunlight. I have seen solar panels charged by lamps, but it usually doesn't work that well and I have never seen it work with fluorescent lighting.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on restaurants or food establishments. In fact, many restaurants and food establishments have embraced solar energy as a sustainable and cost-effective solution. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops, parking lots, or even as shade structures over outdoor seating areas. By harnessing solar energy, these businesses can reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources, lower their electricity bills, and contribute to a greener environment.