Mono Half Cell Solar Module

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My husband is interested in buying solar panels for the roof and i dont know where to find them.
I co own Sunpower Solutions. We are a solar company in South Jersey. I can tell you that the average cost for a system under 7Kw, is $7.95 per watt. What people fail to realize, is that there is a lot more that goes into a PV system than just panels. Racking, hardware, combiner box, inverters, labor to put the panels up, pay the electrician that ties it all together, the architect that measures the wind load on the panels, etc. It's not cheap. Although, in the state of NJ, the the amount of time it takes for the system paying for itself, is 4 years. It doesn't matter if it's a huge system or the smallest PV system, it's 4 years. Any questions, just ask. @Martin: The thing with those programs, is that the company that is leasing the system, is taking advantage of the renewable energy credit that the system is producing. Yes you get cheap electricity, but you are not taking advantage of the money making ability of the renewable energy credits.
Yes, solar panels can be used in areas with high temperatures. In fact, solar panels are designed to withstand a wide range of temperatures, including high heat. However, it is important to note that excessive heat can slightly reduce the efficiency of solar panels. Therefore, proper installation and regular maintenance are crucial to ensure optimal performance in hot climates.
i need to make a mini-solar car which shouldn't cost much. it's for my science project. for now, i just found out how to make a solar panel using copper oxide, but it does not generate enough power to power up the engine of the toy car [ the small engine they used in the toys, like from TAMIA]
There are several types of solar panels. If you mean photovoltaic panels for generating electricity, that is a really advanced project that few amateurs are equipped to do. In the long run, it will be a lot cheaper and easier to buy factory made PV panels. You can try building one by sandwiching an array of photovoltaic cells between a sheet of glass or plexiglass and a sheet of aluminum. Remember that this assembly must be able to withstand great heat, and it must be sealed to make absolutely sure it does not leak.
how much energy does solar panels save you? (like a month, year, etc)
It depends on the size of the solar panels and the intensity of the solar-light. So, there's difference in every place. It's impossible to answer unless there's detail of panel size, panel quantities, average rainfall, average solar days, etc.
Yes, solar panels can be connected to the grid. Through a process called "grid-tied" or "grid-connected" solar system, the electricity produced by solar panels can be fed into the existing electrical grid, allowing for seamless integration and the potential to earn credits or receive compensation for excess energy produced.
The amount of money you can save by using solar panels depends on various factors such as your energy consumption, the size of your solar panel system, and the cost of electricity in your area. On average, homeowners can save anywhere from 40% to 70% on their electricity bills by switching to solar panels. However, it's important to consult with a solar energy professional to get an accurate estimate based on your specific circumstances.
Yes, solar panels can be used in agriculture. They provide a renewable and clean source of energy that can power various agricultural activities such as irrigation systems, lighting, and machinery. Additionally, solar panels can be installed on agricultural buildings or unused land, allowing farmers to generate their own electricity and reduce their carbon footprint.
Dose a solar panel need the entire range or spectrum of sunlight to produce power?
It's a huge field of study, very important to solar cell development. People are trying to optimize spectral response for sunlight, even for sunlight in specific places. Google solar cell spectral response for many many websites. Most of them are specific to one experiment.