4Mm Polycarbonate Panels

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Company pc sunshine board how to solve the problem
Two layers of waterproof treatment: sun board endurance board joints with a wide aluminum alloy bar, in the pressure below the bonding of special waterproof tape, and then use a good quality neutral sealant on both sides of the pressure to play the thickness of 5 mm width 5 -8 mm silicone.
PC sunshine board, what material, what kind of good
If you want to use their own cost-effective relatively high we can choose 10mm quality better, this kind of sunshine board in the normal situation is to allow people not often walk in the above. But for 8mm or 6mm sun panels, if people go in the above or want to shelf life for a long time there may be a safe use of hidden dangers.
Project sun board price how much
Shanghai Jie resistant engineering PC sunshine board price is not constant price, but a comprehensive consideration of technical level, sheet performance, then the raw material prices and other costs through the calculation.
To build a sunshine shed, with Cortron PC patience board or good sun board?
(Also known as PC board, polycarbonate, solid board, bullet-proof glass, card blanket board, solid plate, polycarbonate board, aerial perspective board) is a high-performance engineering plastics polycarbonate or polycarbonate - --- acid processing, characteristics: impact resistance, not break: the strength of more than strengthen the glass, acrylic plate hundreds of times, tough security, security, bulletproof the best. Can be arched, can be bent: good processing, plasticity, according to the actual site needs, bending into arched, semi-circular and other styles. Light weight, easy handling: only half the weight of glass, handling and save time and effort, easy construction and easy management. Weatherability, excellent lighting: long-term anti-ultraviolet radiation, lighting effects of excellent, can save a lot of sales.
Pc sun panels and frp lighting board what are the two differences
1. Material is a PC, one is FRP commonly known as glass fiber high performance UV resin; 2.PC is not resistant to corrosion, FRP is a good anti-corrosion performance; 3.PC sun board is hollow board, light transmission is better, FRP is usually a solid plate, usually semi-translucent state; 4. High-quality PC sunshine board surface has UV coating, anti-ultraviolet, anti-yellowing, such as Cortron sunshine board, and high-quality FRP surface is covered with thin film, such as red wave FRP lighting tile. 5.PC warranty period up to 10 years or so, FRP warranty up to 25 years;
PC board greenhouses pc board generally use thick? What is the price? What about the current market price? Is the sun board a PC board?
PC board has a lot of domestic manufacturers, the quality difference is great. The best is the German Bayer, is the oldest brand, there are many domestic cases over a decade, is basically considered the first brand. Bayer has a technology currently domestic unique, that is, to provide anti-fog for ten years warranty, other manufacturers are less than ten years. But Bayer is a German-owned enterprises, never recycled materials, more expensive, generally more than 30% of domestic manufacturers plate. So basically used in large projects and the real owners will use their own side to buy. There are some other manufacturers also said that the past, but the quality is not very stable, for the project is not high or can be used.
PC sun panels and color steel plate how to bond
Sun panels and color plate need to have two corrugated width of the stack, the use of sealant at the same time, with self-tapping screws fixed on the purlins. Such a practice to meet the requirements.
What is the difference between a hollow board and a sunboard?
The material selected for the panel should be FRP, and the selection material for the sun board is PC. The lighting board is fixed with aluminum fastener, and the corrugated board is fixed with a light plate and a self-tapping screw. The position of the lighting plate is generally set in the middle.