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Now a lot of electrothermal explosion that is, but it is normal charger, charger without bulging bags on the trip, outside there is no what special protection, explosion-proof what said is how to prevent it?
Before charging, keep the socket dry. Prohibited seawater, brackish water, excessive water injected into the bag of electric warm treasure.When charging, the plug is inserted into a water storage type electric heating treasure socket, and then the power supply is switched on. Should not be held in the warm embrace of electricity in the side of the arm heating charge, in case of electric shock.Bags of electric heater when charging, if it is found that the bag body was up to that bag has residual air, should cut off the power supply, then unplug the plug from the bag body, the exhaust outlet of the bag on the bag, air exhaust, the overflow of water until the water inlet.Bao Bao Bao electric needle is strictly prohibited, heavy pressure, otherwise it will cause leakage, leakage!No strong solvent scrub, or dip in the water to scrub the warm treasure.
What is the water in the hot water bag?
Some are chemical, conductive. Now the Internet has a special hot water bags, ordinary pure water on the line, and security. This is what I use
Who has ever seen a solar hot water bag? Easy to use?
Not easy to use, hot summer weather, lack of sunshine, the most need to take a bath when you can not wash, the largest fire
No electrothermal water to unplug the plug? Then water?
May be the new hard, you point to the hot water to soften it, pay attention to avoid charging port. Then use the nail to pull open on the line.
Do you often use hot water bags?
All kinds of plug-in electric heater due to ease of use, people can become warm baby, but convenience, some hidden safety problems in electric hot water bag. Some enterprises because of technology is not pass, the production is not installed overvoltage protection device, resulting in excessive pressure on the power, easy to explode. Winter is the season of high frequency hot water bag.At the time of sleep, this part of the skin close to the hot water bag will have local burns. All kinds of plug-in electric heater due to ease of use, people can become warm baby, but convenience, some hidden safety problems in electric hot water bag. Some enterprises because of technology is not pass, the production is not installed overvoltage protection device, resulting in excessive pressure on the power, easy to explode. Winter is the season of high frequency hot water bag.
In the hot water bag charging heating do not know suddenly touched the electric jump, and then come to charge when the bad, not just where the bad!
Electric heater is consumable, no maintenance value.1, electric hot water bag exposed just plug, basically not bad. The original heating is damaged, the original heating inside the hot water bag, the need to repair the destruction of its sealing performance. Even after the repair of the use is also very dangerous, pressure, leakage is not safe.2, electric hot water bag is soft liquid using new technology of energy storage heating agent, rapid heating. A one-time injection, permanent use, unique explosion-proof and DP temperature protection device, thermal insulation and lasting advantage. Because users do not need to directly use the water, eliminating the traditional hot water bags frequently bring trouble. But the first electric hot water bag and two years with the line, third years is not recommended to use. Because of the constant pressure of the sealing layer, elastic will be discounted, there are hidden dangers. So, bad for new, not for good.
When do you use an ice bag and a hot water bag to remove it?
Is to reduce the body temperature, both are physical cooling.
After the hot water bag drain wash, slow heating, salt, then add how much?
If the heating time is short, there is boiling sound, solution, dilute the concentration of the liquid inside, refer to specific methods (two)Another reason is the internal need of air emptying. We use the hot water is injected into the tap water, tap water in long time heating, will produce gas. The plug is removed, the plug mouth filed, the air plug gathered in the mouth, with a water funnel top plate, gagged inside the hold funnel. The air slowly discharged until the water outflow, the plug can be plugged, shaking, basically no water sound, you can.