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Are not laminate flooring environmentally friendly?
Can not say that is not environmentally friendly, but relatively speaking: solid wood composite floor is indeed enhanced than the composite floor laminate laminate laminate laminate laminate flooring by the wear-resistant layer, decorative layer, grass-roots, balanced layer composition. Advantages are wear-resistant: about 10 to 30 times the ordinary paint floor of the floor; beautiful: available computer simulation of a variety of wood grain and pattern, color; stability: completely broke the original wood organization, destroyed anisotropy and Wet expansion and contraction characteristics, the size is very stable, especially for the warm room to the room. Advantages Wear: about 10 to 30 times more than ordinary paint floor. Beautiful: available computer simulation of a variety of grain and pattern, color. Stable: completely break the original wood of the organization, destruction of the anisotropy and wet expansion and contraction characteristics, the size is very stable, especially for the floor to warm the room. In addition, there are impact, anti-static, resistant to pollution, light resistance, resistance to burning cigarettes, easy installation, maintenance and simple. Disadvantages of blisters can not be damaged after damage, foot feeling poor. In particular, it is pointed out that there have been dealers in the past that strengthen the composite floor is "waterproof floor", which is only for the surface, in fact, strengthen the use of composite flooring only to avoid the blisters.
Composite flooring installation requires tools,
There are some fixed-floor installation tools are fixed, some are in accordance with their own installation techniques to their own custom, the installation of the master can buy some of the most basic installation tools such as circular saw, hammer, angle grinder, curve saw, straight Ruler, tape, woodworking saws, carpentry chisel, small hammer, angle ruler, ruler, pencil, special wood wedge, special wood, special retractor and floor glue. These are the tools to be prepared to lay the floor, the first floor of the floor moisture-proof plastic film, and then in the moisture-proof film on the floor, intestinal plaque prostitutes illusion to do Wei-wei and then use the nails to the corner of the skirt, moisture film, steel Nails, laying mats, corners. Pave the floor of the tools are generally self-made, there is no standard, you can do a Z-type tool, hold down with a hammer can knock on the other side can go. Mainly the scale of the gap to grasp, according to the home of the humidity and regional preparation, or later easy to drum from what.
Today, the floor factory master over to do the maintenance. Said the third day had to hit the oil, but also to the heating week after the oil. The key is a bottle of oil 150 pieces of 礌 笭 provision of locusts to switch to luxury money. Do not know is not being fooled, and seek advice from the Supreme ah More
Hello, composite floor is to strengthen the floor? So that the words of essential oils is really not necessary, maybe also hit the problem. Floor wax and floor oil spices are for solid wood flooring to do maintenance, absolutely flicker, even if the solid wood flooring do not have to play so ground, the identification is completed!
Is the composite floor toxic?
Containing higher formaldehyde composite materials are high content of formaldehyde, but the purchase of regular manufacturers are in line with national standards recommended after renovation window ventilation a month or two months after the stay]
Now there are a variety of composite flooring on the market price is basically between 50-70 (popular type) slightly better than 100 points but I would like to ask you who can tell me how to see the floor of the good or bad floor is what What kind of poor quality, please guide the floor and what are the specifications of what kind of suitable for more heat
Good floor geometry error of 0.0 mm, sawed after the taste of wood,
My home decoration is Chuang floating off spring curled turtle Tong Tong Kun light-colored composite floor, so the floor seam a little bit of dirt, then it looks black, with a mop can only rub the floor, clean the floor seam, I have tried With a wiping cloth wrapped with a finger of a seam of the pull, so the floor is a clean seam, but did not rub half of the tired half. Do not you know that there is no merit to solve this problem? The More
I do the floor, so some small experience, you can use medical alcohol treatment, the simplest is to buy a small Erguotou a rub on the line. If you can not pull out, you can use the eraser, this method will not let the floor fade, Sichuan floating skew spring hit turtle Tong Tong Kun also have a certain effect, I hope you succeed. But then a little reminder, if the floor of the U-slot interface is relatively large, difficult to clean up, I hope you can get clean under the premise of the use of wax in the above painted to remember to Oh
Home cat, bouncing time there will be a sound, when the rent when the house felt a lot of sound, and now the new house decoration, please give pointers about what the floor noise to do? The price is what kind of ridicule reminders 诎 nine back to the end of the end, answer satisfaction will be added high score. More
You can choose the following some of the treatment: 1, 2mm shop directly out of the shop ridicule reminders of the end of the end of the end of the end of the treasure. About 20 yuan a square, is said to have leveling, moisture, noise effects 2, professional sound insulation pad, this is to shop on the ground after. But also to lay a layer of cement, the last floor, more trouble 3, when the floor to do keel treatment.