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What style of furniture do you like to have in log style furniture?
The product design on the metal log, mostly in the form of a single product distribution, but as for young fashion, there is a strong trend Home Furnishing demand, inkivy Home Furnishing good Oh, go to find many good stuff.
Wooden furniture and metal furniture which is more cost-effective?
Metal material selection, wall tube thickness, welding process can affect the furniture life. Not necessarily which is good, depends on the choice of good or bad products.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of metal furniture relative to wooden furniture?
Metal furniture in the use process has the following advantages:1, firm and durable, high strength.
Wujin wooden table is afraid of hot
Ukim furniture seems to contain metal texture, this is mainly because the zingana wood grown in a special environment, the general zingana wood are manufactured in the rich mineral resources, due to the long mineral to absorb nutrients and moisture, so naturally containing metal texture, this point is commendable, it is becoming one of the reasons the zingana wood furniture in the part of luxury furniture. Ukim furniture to be much heavier than other kinds of solid wood furniture, this is because the wooden structure of zingana wood is very good, high density, high hardness, and the structure of the wings of wood like mahogany, pore structure in the fine grain and depth and therefore than other wood to sink a lot, and personality full. So, Wujin wooden table is not afraid of hot, ease of use.
Metal furniture, the use of low prices will cause any harm to human health?
Generally speaking, metal furniture will not affect the health, but it depends on whether the content of heavy metals in the materials used in the production of furniture exceeds the standard, and the excessive heavy metal has a great influence on the health
Is the table good for the wood or the glass?
If the restaurant is relatively large, light and more abundant, or try to choose a solid wood table, looks texture, the use of a sense of success,If the location of the restaurant is relatively narrow, light and transparent enough it should use glass, to increase the restaurant's pleasure and bright, glass table after placing the food quickly cooled down, but also to do a desktop plate to improve the crystal, wooden table do not have this problem, but none of them can choice, but depends on the specific circumstances.
Panel furniture, metal material products, do you?
At the time of purchase, first to carefully observe the appearance of the process is rough, and then to see whether the switch is equivalent to several times hand freely; to see if there is no abnormal noise; and the grade of furniture to see is not matched; then hand a weigh weight, like products, the heavy weight of products relative to the said materials better. Try to use a longer history, higher visibility of the manufacturers of products. In addition, decorative hardware accessories, such as handles, and so on, we should consider the furniture and color, texture and coordination issues.
How to choose the shape of the dining table?
In this age of good food, the table is becoming more important. The table restaurant has been the protagonist of the old table, usually rectangular, people take show place in the family level. In today's age of style, modern tables no longer limit the choice of people with rules.