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What are the advantages and disadvantages of solid wood flooring?
Solid wood composite flooring advantages and disadvantages are the following: 1) solid wood flooring retains the solid wood flooring natural texture, foot feel comfortable features. 2) solid wood flooring and both strengthen the floor wear, easy to install, clean up the characteristics. 3) I solid wood flooring is very suitable for warm home decoration. 4) solid wood composite floor hardness than the floor is very small, very suitable for home with the elderly and children decorated family. 5) Solid wood flooring prices between the solid wood flooring and solid wood flooring of the method of prostitutes prostitutes 诓 magic ride between Wei and glass, belonging to the middle consumption of water balance, is the majority of the family can accept the scope of consumption. 6) solid wood flooring installation is simple, easy to clean up, no solid wood flooring so delicate. 7) solid wood flooring decoration effect is very good, many varieties, such as: solid wood composite antique floor, solid wood parquet flooring. Solid wood flooring is the lack of places: solid wood flooring is made of multi-layer floor, will contain a small amount of formaldehyde.
Strengthen the composite floor of the inspection standards which
1) wear index 2) formaldehyde content 3) expansion rate 4) flame retardant
Do you want to play keel with solid wood flooring?
Do you want to play keel with solid wood flooring?
Our home was originally installed in the composite floor, about 40 dollars that kind, has spent five years. Now the living room and a bedroom floor is not good, and some of the floor between the sewing a lot, and some of the floor muster deformation. I would like to put the living room and bedroom to fight, that is, the living room to remove the floor to the original floor of the bedroom was not bad. Is this ok? Shop out of the effect is not particularly bad, but also can not use 4, 5 years? More
You should say that the kind of floor is to strengthen the composite floor is a multi-layer composite depends on the thickness of your floor is 0.8 is a good 1.2 that is not a big problem only to play a full swing Hit the glue did not hit the nail can be paved as long as the nail or hit the glue shop can be the loss of the big shop out of the risk of using a 1-2 years is possible 4-5 years there are some difficult 40 The floor of the money is poor
What brand is doing well
Oh, oh, I use composite flooring. Cheap, variety and more
Do you want to remove the original floor? Decoration company will take this little work? More
The amount of floor is very simple. Find a worker on it. To be removed.
Offer composite floor prices
Solid wood flooring, solid wood flooring, laminate flooring prices by raw materials, processing technology, color, quality and other factors, the corresponding price will be very different. To determine what type of floor to buy, the first in kind at the abundance of Fengfei 莶 painted monk ax to determine their own home improvement style and economic conditions. 1) solid wood flooring: solid wood flooring health, environmental protection, decoration effect is good. However, at the price ... 3516
How to laminate the floor?
It is recommended that you do ground floor treatment. Method is: playing keel leveling, and then laying a large core board, and then shop composite floor! If the use of cement leveling, raising the ground does not say, but also increase the weight of the floor, if leveling the cement layer is too thick, short time the ground dry through, the water is not completely distributed, so easy to cause composite floor expansion, drums. If the ground is relatively flat suggested that you do not make any treatment, pavement can be