Adirondack Chairs Made Of Recycled Plastic

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Such as the title, do not know what is the real wood floor shop? The following is the keel I am looking for the materials and the advantages and disadvantages, we have what opinions and suggestions might as well talk about... 4, keel laid the keel: many materials, the most traditional is also plastic, wood keel, wooden keel and so on Aluminum Alloy 1): on the ground drill, fixed wooden keel, wooden keel on surface leveling the floor with a nail, will start...Home renovation renovation of the old house, the living room plus two bedroom only 41 square meters, which is more suitable for...In addition, the room is small, the shop is too thin and good-looking and consumption of materials, want to shop 455*90*1.8 or 455*120*1.8
From the building materials, the use of plastic bar, simple and quick, economic. 15 years is no problemShop floor room 455*90*1.8 right
Said plastic floor is plastic floor, also known as PVC floor. It is the main component of PVC, can be made into a homogeneous, floor bottom and surface pattern material is the same, can also be made into composite, it also can be made into printing.
1, commercial floor material PVC (real name: PVC floor)2, commercial floor PVC wood material3, commercial floor uses: kindergarten, office, stairs, family, factories, schools, hotels, hotels, KTV, bars, massage parlors, beauty salons (shops), clothing stores
Plastic floor shop no artificial labor costs per square meter
! Choose the plastic floor must choose the site dedicated, the wrong choice of use and material life, you know! There are many types of plastic floor, mainly divided into coil and sheet, is the most common material, plastic sheet flooring series of thousands of species, like the current popular commercial floor (PVC floor such as shopping malls, hotels, hotels, hospitals, schools, kindergarten, family, office, airport), sports stadium (special floor table tennis, badminton courts, basketball courts, gym, dance floor (kindergarten), dance room, dance room, dance hall, dance rehearsal hall, dance studio, stage, ballet, Latin dance, dance practice room, dance room, dance training room)
In the production of plastic floor, the addition of appropriate amount of plastic additives in addition to taste, through the appropriate chemical reaction and Ao, can effectively remove the smell of plastic flooring
You master the family, to help me, I do not care about the color of plastic bags on the floor tiles, and how to rub are not wiped out, please help me master, I will add the score
5, brick and brick gap can be used to clean the dirt on a regular basis, and then brush a layer of waterproof agent, can prevent mold growth.6, tea, coffee, beer, ice cream, oil and other pollutants using sodium hydroxide or potassium bicarbonate solution.
Some special traces can be cleaned immediately or with a mild detergent or warm water on the market, do not use a large amount of water to clean the floor. Avoid containing thick objects falling on the floor, such as chewing gum, otherwise it is difficult to clean up. Do not need wax and paint, do not use sandpaper polishing. Because laminate flooring surface has been relatively smooth, brightness is also relatively good. Reduce water loss.
It is not necessary, the general plastic floor for the warehouse floor, fire and less dust