Solar Photovoltaic Module

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my solar car works when using the Battery but when there is sunlight i connect the wires to the solar panel and it does not work...................HELP
If that solar panel came with the car, the panel is most likely defective. Make sure you're in bright sunlight, and try holding the car so that the wheels are not touching the ground. If the wheels still won't turn, even slowly, then the panel is bad. If each person in the class got one, see if you can try your panel on a friend's car, or their panel on your car. If this is just any little panel, it could be that the panel simply does not have enough voltage, current, or both to power the motor on the car.
hi so im doing a school project thing and they have a lot of different questions for us that help us decide whether we would rather a city have a nuclear reactor, or solar panel. But i cant seem to get the last 2 please???so question ........What types of emissions, if any, are produced by each type of generating station? Do these emissions affect human health?question 2.....What are the long term financial costs associated with maintaining each type of generating station?thanks!
: Mostly produce heat 2: Keep Clean, trim branches, over hanging shrubs, and things like that.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power a concert venue. By installing a sufficient number of solar panels, a concert venue can generate enough renewable energy to meet its power needs. This helps reduce the reliance on traditional energy sources, lowers carbon emissions, and promotes sustainability in the music industry.
When you consider that solar panels will not produce enough electricity in their service life to cover their cost should we subsidize them anyway? that much of the cost of a solar panel is the energy to manufacture, install, transport and maintain them. Shouldn't the market determine whether they are worth installing?Is subsidizing them taking money away from research that could be spent on more viable alternatives?Should we be taxed to pay for others solar panels when they don't work?
Yes, okorder /... Bottom line is that government subsidies encourage people to buy solar panels, and make it possible for many who could otherwise not afford it. The more solar panels are purchased, the more the price will go down, and the more quickly the technology will be able to advance.
In nature, green leaves collect light and produce energy. Is this what they copied to make solar panels? If not how hard would it be to make artificial leaves that would power our homes?
Solar panels may have been inspired by leaves, by they don't function in the same way. Leaves use the sunlight to make carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. Solar-panels makes sunlight into electricity.
The amount of space required for solar panel installation varies depending on factors such as the size and type of panels used, as well as the energy needs of the property. On average, a residential solar panel system typically requires about 100-400 square feet of roof space per kilowatt of installed solar capacity. Additionally, ground-mounted systems may require larger areas, typically ranging from a few hundred to several thousand square feet depending on the system size. However, it is important to consult with a professional solar installer to determine the specific space requirements for your individual project.
can i put a solar panel on a projector. if nt wat is a low energy projector that i can watch movies and play games on
Solar panels put out DC voltage, like a battery. The projectors that plug into the wall require AC voltage. Unless you got a travel projector that plugs into a cigarette lighter (does that exist?), you would need to convert the DC power from the solar panel to AC for the projector with an inverter. And if you want to use it when the sun isn't shining, you'd need batteries to store the power.
How to Compare Solar Panels? ?
Each okorder / When comparing the cost of different solar panels, bear in mind the variation in return each panel can provide. More expensive solar panels may provide better value for money in the long run. Greater power out.