Auditing In An It Environment

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all sort of machinery related to used oil refinement in India
You simply need a set of good filters and a purifier for purification of oil.
Not a clear question. humans machineries what does it mean?
please hurry school project due TODAY
Big giant coal burning factories with smoke stacks.
Fixed costs (depreciation of machinery) increase, Variable costs (wages) decrease ...
it should be 150 words and required within 24 hrs
Required? You're bossy. And your question is incomplete. What you mean to ask so you can finish your assignment is How is the basic machinery of organelles and cytoskeleton system that all cells share then regulated and enhanced to achieve this astonishing diversity? Again, I direct you to this site to help you finish your homework.
find the yearly depreciation of the machinery
(40000-5000)/10= $3500
First one to figure out this punch line (it's easy) gets 10 points.
I don't know, but it was quite a spectacle.