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Machinery has its tools that need to be replaced after 10 years for technical reasons. At the balance sheet, the tools have been in use for 5 years.Explain is there any present obligation and whether provision is recognized or not?If yes then why?
Question of Inventory precaution.
Yes. okorder . Plenty of books on development of farm machinery.
What will happen to his soul at various ratios of machine to biological?1% machine ? (Hip replacement, Computer chip to aid hearing)85% machine ? (Fully integrated extra limbs. Computerized memory enhancements, micro chip processors for analysis, lung modifications for underwater or space,etc.)
The soul is absolutely real. Forget about the religious mystification, your soul is your experience. Some people have hardly experienced anything - they scarcely have a soul. Others have lived intensely - they have a strong presence that others can feel. So we have 'Soul Music' and 'Soul Food'. Will this machinery stifle life? - then the soul will die. Will it enhance life, expanding experience? - then the soul will thrive.
Construction machinery if the use of diesel engines, the use of motors, the general choice of DC motor or AC motor?.
Synchronous motor power factor is high, even can be used to phase modulation, but the capacitor screen compensation can solve the power factor problem; what engineering machinery must rotate speed and load size is irrelevant? Synchronous motor control is complex, costly and troublesome to maintain, not so fun.
During viral R/DNA replication, do viruses take advantage of the cell's ordinary error checking mechanisms?
I think it depends on the virus. Many virus contain their own DNA / RNA polymerases that they use to replicate. Retroviruses for example have reverse transcriptase which synthesizes DNA from RNA, something that is not used by anything else. Not being proofread is what has allowed viruses to thrive, because it causes mutations that host organisms have to adapt to. Notice how there's a new flu shot every year? That's caused by antigenic drift.
I'm about 6'2 and really skinny. I want to gain some muscle mass, but I don't have access to very much equipment. I have a treadmill and a rowing machine. What kind of things should I eat, and what would be a good regime for me to use to gain muscle mass. I obviously don't want to loose weight so that's not an issue. How long would it be before I notice any noticeable difference? Thanks in advance.
what you have to is consume fatty meals, however healthful fat. avocados, meats, brown rice, healthful carbs, and do that five-7 occasions an afternoon. if you set your self up in this vitamin, start figuring out. do not do aerobic exercises that burn energy, do exercises so as to permit you to attain muscle tissues. weight coaching (all kinds so long as it entails weights), squats, lunges, going for walks on a tred mill (up hill), suicides, eliptical. then, you'll start gaining muscle tissues alternatively of getting the tilt muscle tissues you have got now in view that your frame is consuming heavier meals and turning the meals into muscle instaed of burning it off.
Mechanical keyboard?. How much is good?
Razer's widow only green axis, and the key conflict is relatively weak, then the characteristics of Razer products are relatively easy to bad advice; in addition, Razer is also the widow cherry (Ying Tao) MX shaft, and other mechanical and not much different, except for the spring reduces the effective pressure. ~ ~ ~ and than the original quality to the problem of the poor, is the same as the original picture of the man ~ ~ ~ ~ so it is not easy, but no brain SS powder
Another Catch-22 for McCain. Bush has the best fund-raising machine in the Republican party, but has fallen on the outs with a majority of voters (13% more voters support gay marriage than George Bush). Obama has seemingly infinite funds. In order to compete financially McCain must use the Bush fundraising machine, which of course puts him at odds with many voters and fodders Obama's rhetoric as McCain equaling Bush-lite. Others are his vice presidential nomination. His appeal to the general election is that he has long been seen as a centrist. Typically, in a primary election you pander to your base, and in the general election you move back to the center. McCain easily won the nomination without pandering to his base, and now many conservatives are threatening to stay home in November. Instead of using a VP to highlight his strengths he may have to pander to conservatives to woo them to the polls. In doing so, he risks appearing too conservative and alienating independents who have long supported him.