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Ask for a transverse, boring, engineering machinery?
Horizontal directional drilling。 You can walk this small size. It is not clear, because the machine may be less expensive. But it saves a lot more than digging out roads.
A high powered ski boat with you at the end of my rope.
Suppose that a piston is moving straight up and down and that its position at time t seconds iss = Acos(2πbt)with A and b positive. The value of A is the amplitude of the motion and b is the frequency(the number of times the piston moves up and down each second). What effect does doubling the frequency have on the piston's velocity and jerk?Follow up question, why does machinery break when you run it too fast?
Q1 === If you double the frequency, this means that you are doubling the number of times that the cylinder goes up, hits it's highest point, turns around and comes back down again in a second. You must be doubling the distance the piston travels. The time is one second, so effectively you are doubling the speed. Q2 === Jerk in this sense is one of those wonderful descriptive words that works in the real world, but is hard to put into a formula. I wonder if you have to do that. Certainly the force increases because the turn around time is much smaller when the frequency is doubled. That means time in this formula F = m*(vf - vi)/t is much smaller and that makes the force larger. Q3 == So machinery must break down because the force on moving the piston up and down has become much larger.
Work is the curse of the drinking class. --George Bernard Shaw
i need to focus on the movement of machines and film them. such as car factories with arm robots, production lines, moving conveyabelt, anything relating to machines!!! please help.
Set your camera up in front of your TV. Then, pop in any of the Terminator dvds.... I'm here to help. Just ask, kid.
In Australia, the original fauna never evolved to a bright height, the marsupials occupying the peak.Is it due to the harsh arid Australian environment?
Marsupials actually originated in North America 193 to 186 million years ago.
electrical machineries
For large or largish generators steam turbines gas turbines wind turbines water turbines diesel engines
Agency to test military draft machinery?
Will have to eventually, Iraq is becoming the black hole that Vietnam had become, just keep throwing more troops in the malestrom without a mission, plan, exit strategy or end in sight.