Aluminum Foil Tricks

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We are aloud 2 sheets of alumimun foil of ten cm by ten cm (around 4 inches) nothing elsenothing, nadaIt has to support the most pennies possible while FLOATING.thx
Well, it depends on were you are going.
I have a 1996 great police package crown vic and i bought a transmission out of a non police package crown vicIt bolted up just fine it fits and everything plugs and all! But my drive shaft is too long!
you could always put a rug over it.
I have to determine which solution is in which tubeIs any body know a short cut to figure out each of them? the solutions are 6M HCL, 6M NH3, .1M CuSo4, .1M BaCL2, .1M NA2CO3, 3 M H1So4, 6M NaOH, .1M Pb(NO3)2, and Al(NO3)3Also what color are each of the solid when mixed? Please Help Me!!!
THE BLUE SOLUTION IS COPPER SULPHATEAdd a little of this to a small amount of each of the other substancesThen The TWO substances that give a white precipitate with Copper Sulphate are BARIUM CHLORIDE and LEAD NITRATEPut them on one sideThe solution that goes greeny/yellow with Copper sulphate is HYDROCHLORIC ACID(Label it) The solution that goes very dark blue and then eventually gives a blue precipitate if you add more Copper Sulphate is AMMONIA SOLUTION(Label it.) The solution that gives a blue precipitate but does NOT fizz when you add Copper sulphate is SODIUM HYDROXIDEThe solution that gives a blue/green precipitate AND fizzes when you add Copper Sulphate is SODIUM CARBONATEThe solutions that do not react are sulphuric acid and aluminium nitrateTo tell the difference between barium chloride and lead nitrate add some of the solution you have identified as HCl to eachThe one that gives a white precipitate is LEAD NITRATE (the other is therefore BARIUM CHLORIDE)To tell the difference between the sulphuric acid and the aluminium nitrate add some of the solution you have identified as ammonia to eachThe one that gives a white precipitate is ALUMINIUM NITRATE (the other is therefore the SULPHURIC ACID.)
The number of atoms in 100 g of aluminum 2.2 10 ^ 24 Calculate the number of electrons in 100 g of aluminum?
number of electrons in Al: 132.2 10 ^ 24 2.86 10 ^ 25
I have a side business where i make a product out of aluminum soda cans.but.they need to be bare aluminum instead of painted cans and it is getting very time consuming to take the paint off of the cans with sand paper.does anyone know where I can buy them unpainted???
No, but have you ever looked into ways to chemically remove the paint rather than sanding? I'm sure there's a chemical out there that will remove the paint if you dip the can in the chemical and wait a few minutes.
Are there people who have used this beforeSo I'm using a normal nestle water bottle and a 2 litre root beer bottleBut idk what to use for the bowlSo I've decided to use either aluminum foil or the tip of a pencil (eraser) part Is that part metal? And would the bong still be effective if I was using a small bottle for eg300 mLK thanks
Maybe something like Kensington or Van BurenDid you ever hear that if you take your middle name and the name of your street, you get a good soap opera name? Maybe a good street name would be niceMy street name is Fairwind.
Basically, i always cook my Salmon in foil, then leave it to cook in the ovenMy mum only has (basics) wrapping foil, it say's it's not to be put in the oven but can i anyway? What's the difference between normal and wrapping? Will it just stick to the salmon or what? I know wrapping's just for sandwiches ect butyou knowthank you!
if you are referring to foil for like wrapping stuff, its likely coated in plastic, which could melt, or let off toxic fumes in the oven, so I would say to get some regular aluminum foil.
Write the formula for the common ion derived from Al.I answered Al+3 but I got it wrongThe hint says that the alluminum ion has 10 electrons.thanks in advance for you help!!!
i messaged you but no reply ?IM's on my profile if you want it,okay got your reply :)