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Is Tumble stones tiles a good selection for a kitchen backsplash and if so how often does it need to be sealed?
Stone tiles and I recommend sealing twice before installing . should not need to be sealed again w/ the newer penetrating sealers. This make a great backsplash in looks and durability. I have several picts of some I ve done over the years if you need an idea of how it ll look. The grout sealed 72 hrs after grouting giving the stone actually 3 coats. Been at it for 20+ years and never a problem Any questions you can e mail me thru my avatar and check my qualifications there GL
I was quoted $5.75 for tile install and $2.25 for concrete board per square foot.
You would have to get quotes from several tile layers. Once you have their quotes, it would be up to you to select the tile layer that either offered you the most economical rate, the one you feel comfortable with. You might consider a handyman. In this scenario you would purchase the tile and your handyman would lay the tile. You handyman would be a lot cheaper than a contractor. Whom ever you decide to select, your best option is to get a referral from a friend, relative or co-worker. This person has performed some work for your friend,s relatives or co-workers and was pleased. I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck. FIGHT ON
we are planning on replacing our livingroom carpet, !/2 of it withceramic tile. Is there any do‘s and don‘ts to consider. Thanks.
Hi If you are replacing 1/2 your living room carpet with ceramic tile. What are you doing with the other 1/2? I wouldn't use ceramic tile in my living room.1 resale value. 2 . It's cold on the feet. 3. The looks doesn't sound appealing.
My home decoration just finished tiles to clean up the tiles when there is a cement with a damp cloth has been wiped out how to do? (My family to buy all the tiles) Will you have nothing to hurt the tile method can be removed? Thank you!
Cement is alkaline, generally removed with acidic substances. Oxalic acid may not be acidic enough. Pour some vinegar up the effect will be better. Industrial hydrochloric acid can also be used after dilution, but to prevent corrosion of the tile itself. To try it a little bit. If hydrogen peroxide is not used, it is recommended to use stone-specific products, such as strong concentrated cleaning agent, PH value of 10.5 or so. This product can decompose the organic matter on the surface of the stone pollution, and can remove the surface type protective agent. If necessary, the cleaning agent can be mixed with the decontamination powder, which can extend the reaction time of the compound and adsorb the stain to the paste. Before using the compound, first test a small area inconspicuous, such as the corner, and to ensure that the stone surface will not be covered with dark flower marks. Clear the slight scratch operation is relatively simple, the market has a lot of polishing powder for sale. However, the use of polishing powder, most of the need to use a polishing machine or a single rub machine.
What type of drill bit should I buy to cut into 4 x 4 ceramic tile on the wall? Can I place the bit into a router? The hole is 10 x 10 and I need it to be 10 1/2 x 10 1/2. There is 5/8 DW w/ metal studs behind it.
One problem I have found with cutting tiles using a rotating cutter - ANY rotating cutter - is that they can leave tiny chips on the edge of the glazed surface of the tile. If you put masking tape where you will cut - before you mark the cut line makes sense - it will stop that. The chipping is on quite a small scale, so you may only notice it if you look for it, and so you might not feel you need to do it at all, but if you do, you've got a way.
Staining and grout removal aside, are there other disadvantages to using natural stone tile for bathtubs?
err. . .it's not completely waterproof!
What is transparent tiles
(The market also known as tiles, polished tiles, etc.) is the rock debris by pressing high pressure, the surface after grinding hardness compared with the stone, water absorption is lower, good wear resistance. The surface of the whole body is not glazed, and the front and the back of the material and color consistent, hence the name. Although there are seepage of the whole body bricks and other varieties, but relatively speaking, its color than glazed tiles. Most of the anti-skid brick are all bricks. If you have more questions, you can click on ID consultation.
the bathroom at work has lenulium sheet. I slip when it rains, b cos it is wet. I want to replace home carpeting with tiles or vynal. which one is less slippery? thanks
They are equally slick. If deciding on tiles, I recommend some with texture. It helps. I have torn my ACL and went through the tile vs. vinyl. textured tile also hides any scratches etc.