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willow fence
made of natural osier with fine craft
artistic,durable and easy to erect
for home&garden deco to make privacy
Product Description:
Willow fences and screens are made from vertical willow sticks tightly
woven together with galvanized steel wire. Willow fencing and screening
are suitable for an informal garden.Rapidly renewable natural bentwood
material like willow make wonderful fences for outdoor and indoor decoration,
our exclusive pre-build fences panels are designed to beautify your home garden
as well as practical well build fences with easy set up. Different styles and sizes
to suite your needs.
- Q: $7500.00 tax credit for buying a this for everyone no matter what type of loan you got?
- I can't speak for everyone but You may want to ask in home Garden
- Q: i have a cat thats always in the bin ripping bags open making a mess, pooping in the bath and anywhere but his kitty litter and being genrealy ferral.i also have a 4 month old who will prob start crawling soon and i dont want the house to be so horrible and yuck when he does.but i dont want to get rid of the cat because hes realy sweet and affectionate and good around my son but i need help training i need dr harry lol how would i contact him.and does he come to melb?or if you have any tips on training the cat that would be apreciated.
- dr. harry has a website, if u watch better homes adn gardens they usually have an e-mail and a mailing address. try looking on the net, if all else fails Google it
- Q: I got heaps of these really small black flies that are breeding in my home. They look just like a black ant (same size, black, thin, long) but then when you look up close they have 2 wings on them. A friend gave us a printer and noticed the whole thing was infested with them. Now the printer has gone, they wont go. They tend to be hanging around our window glass and sills in our bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchen. I cant spray anymore as its giving me allergies. What are they? and how can I rid them?
- For cockroaches MOVE!!! all other bugs just take your family and pets bomb your house and get a hotel!!!
- Q: What is the career win-lose record of the Celtics while playing at the Boston Garden? Also when was the first and last game played at the Boston Garden?
- I could not find any career win lose record but here is first and last home game of the Celtics at the Boston Garden. First: Nov 5, 1946 Chicago Stage beat Boston 57-55. It also marked the first broken backboard in professional basketball history. Last: May 5,1995 Orlando defeated Boston in the first round of the playoffs. 95-92
- Q: Other opinions welcome too. When I add feminist in the question it automatically goes to the place.I cannot be bothered with the extra steps.
- Feminism has no bearing on what your plans for your children's education are. I'm sure some feminists are for home-schooling, but I'm not. Home-schooling implies that I have to be at home...something I am in no way willing to do. I want my kid to experience school with other kids their own age and go through the ups and downs of school.
- Q: I just moved here from GA, and I'm looking for REALLY inexpensive furnishings/decorations. I live in Cambridge so I'd like to find stores close by, but really I'll drive anywhere if I can find things really cheaply. Thanks!
- Any time a store describes itself as a specialty store, it will not be cheap. Try the Big Box stores like Lowes and Home Depot. K-mart and Target also have garden sections.
- Q: when little Chinese kids are digging a hole, just digging and digging, with their little Chinese shovel and pail, that their mom says to them quot;Jeez, if you keep on you'll dig all the way to Americaquot;?Suggested Catagory*Homegt;Gardengt;GardenLansdcape*
- lol, reminds me of when I was little and I was told if I kept on digging I would reach China, sad part is I believed her!?
- Q: I was at a home party a couple years back where it was like a tupperware party, but with home decor items. It was very classy and gorgeous items, but for the life of me I cannot remember the company name... I want to get into selling home decor type items myself, and join a company to do it... but I can't seem to find any companies in Canads (Ontario) that are like this... cna you help me out?
- Home Interiors used to be one, but they went bankrupt. Now they are called Home Garden I think.
- Q: How can you grow a home garden in a drought?
- Plant drought resistant plants. Most silvery leafed plants take heat and dryness when established, plants such as Rosmarinus, Lavendula , Santolina, Festuca glauca, Agapanthus and Convolvulus cneorum will look effective when the design works. Myrtles and Olives are effective for height.
- Q: Although chipmunks are cute and fun to watch, they can be very destructive with their underground tunnels. My neighbor's brick paver patio is caving in because of this. My garden is full of holes because they like digging out my tulip bulbs. They gnaw on them a bit and then leave them in the sun to die. Is there something I can put on the bulbs when I plant them so that the chipmunks will leave them alone? Is there something I can put in my garden that will keep the chipmunks out? My neighbor has tried several things without success including baby powder with cayene pepper. The chipmunks are also destructive if they get trapped. Last year, one got trapped in my garage and damaged the weather stripping on the bottom of the door in an attempt to get out. Is there anything that I can put down that won't harm them but will keep them away?
- *sniff* So... ya want me to leave? *sob*
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