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please suggest the machinery name cost involve to set up a small scale fruit juice processing factory which production capacity is 2 ton per day?
Very okorder / ... I googled commercial juice processing equipment
what do i need to do to servce my petrol garden machinery(mowers,strimmers,hedge trimmers blowers etc)
When you bought the machinery, you should have read and saved the instruction booklets that are printed for just this reason. Get them out and READ THEM.
I want to know the essential machinery required to start an auto body building workshop.
try utilising Boolean words which contain no longer Or and And. to that end you're able to need to place motor vehicle fix shops And colorado with the citation marks. With this occasion you will get carry of something that has motor vehicle fix shops with colorado. whilst typing motor vehicle physique fix shops colorado you in basic terms get carry of websites with those words in them. wish it facilitates!
I am wondering how easy is it to operate the machines at a fast food place. Like i have a job offering at Dunkin Donuts but i dont want to mess up someones order and i dont know how to operate their equipment. It would be my first job and i dont want to get a bad refferral if i get fired or what not.
You will learn how to use the machines , it's really easy. Getting orders messed up won't get you fired because everyone makes some mistakes. Take your time learning your job. Read the order back to the customer after they give you their order . Then you can correct any mistakes before they happen. You.ll do fine. = )
Is Biodiesel sufficient for old cars and older machinery that run on diesel? I know that I should not just switch to B100, but is B20 fine? Or, should I go lower, to B10, or even B5?
You'll need to swich out a few parts, hoses, pump, seals, some you'll have to change out anyway with the ULSD (ultra low sulfar diesel) being sold now, you'll need to change a few fuel filters as biodiesel will clean out the fuel system. But once you made the changes you can run b100 or any mix of biodiesel and diesel.
Does everyone have like a big strong man using a big strong machine image or something?All I do is pass the broom. I don't have any highschool diploma.
That's what I thought you did. I figured you didn't have any basic skills to be a machinist and either had to be the guy holding up a shovel every time I drove by or the guy picking up trash in the median.
Must a diesel truck engine be built to make a deafening noise (when pulling out from a stopped position)?Is it necessary for hand dryers in airport and other bathrooms to make the sound of a jet engine taking off ??Is there an alternative way to build machinery that reduces overbearing noise?
It all boils down to cost and function. If you have the money you can make just about quiet.
A 20kw,200V shunt generator is operated at rated load. if the driving engine is developing 30bhp (break horse power), determine the iron and friction losses.PLease use all the given data above..thanksAnswer is IFL=1039W.Thanks a lot.
1 horsepower = 0.74569 kw