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I graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2017, Master's degree, graduated to find a Hangzhou auto parts business, but the feeling is not very good, and away from home far, I want to go home to work, I hope we can point me, Tianjin What is a good car or auto parts business it, that work for six months, finally a little bit of car experience it, to the car to find something should be able to find some, thank you
Tianjin Denso Electronics Co., Ltd. No. 166 Dongting Road, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone
On the road bike knowledge of the book, illustrated to explain the specific knowledge of the various parts of the road car
Bicycle Club Magazine
What is the meaning of auto parts OEM in the end?
OEM is the abbreviation of original equipment manufacturer, the original meaning of the original equipment manufacturers, refers to the main factory for supporting parts manufacturers. Now refers to the social division of labor, driven by professional interests generated, the basic meaning is: the original unit (Brand unit) commissioned by the contract for product development and manufacturing, with the original unit of the trademark, the original unit of the sale or operation of the co-operation mode of production OEM parts have two necessary conditions: 1. Manufacturers for the main factory supporting the actual production. You are supporting the production of this wide, parts of the Canton is the OEM parts, and OKorder Volkswagen can not be called OEM parts.) 2. Use non-host factory trademark in the aftermarket market sales.
Ready to buy a car, fancy Mazda new CX5, although it is made, but there are many parts from Japan, fear of Fukushima nuclear radiation risk, I do not know what the views of nuclear radiation
Nuclear radiation is actually ionizing radiation, or is often referred to as radioactive, exists in all the material, which is hundreds of millions of years the existence of objective facts, is a normal phenomenon. Nuclear radiation is the microscopic particle flow released by the nucleus from one structure or one energy state to another structure or another energy state. We live in the environment there is a natural radioactive, also known as natural background radiation, the gap between the various places, China's annual average is 2.4msV.
What are the auto parts? Where to buy better?
You can go to Qimao City to see, but it is very expensive, if you look for manufacturers, Shiyan City, wood industry and trade more authoritative, good reputation, all kinds of auto parts, accessories are complete, quality guaranteed!
No, there is Tanggu
Love letter in the development zone Mu Ning Road, there should be no factory in Toray
Huanghua the original auto parts mainly produce what parts and components
What parts are the main parts of the car
What is the best of the factory parts, from the engine, wheel, steering wheel, tools, four aspects, thank you
parts: red gearbox (provided that your props car to be a perfect modification, the red gearbox can be "the highest speed +30" into "water mines")