Solar Module System

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My family and I are looking into solar panels for our home. But I'm unsure how it would be priced. This month our home used ,623 kwh. The solar panel company said we should expect $6-$9 per watt used. What would that put as at?
With out doing the math,, I think I would ask the solar panel company to explain it to you as they are trying to sell it to you. And see if you have some sort of warranty of savings. Make them work for the sale!!
Solar panels can positively impact home resale value by providing potential buyers with energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint. Studies have shown that homes equipped with solar panels tend to sell at a higher price compared to similar homes without them. Additionally, solar panels often increase a home's appeal and marketability, making it more attractive to environmentally-conscious buyers.
Yes, many governments provide incentives for installing solar panels. These incentives can include tax credits, grants, rebates, and low-interest loans to encourage individuals and businesses to adopt solar energy.
I am currently building a house, iv designed it to be as self sustainable as possible, I'm in the process of installing solar panels but as I'm ordering online I was hoping someone here could tell me how many I would need to completely run a 5 bedroom home, just standard household appliances such as fridge and freezers, plasma tvs computers and of course lighting, various things like that, also I'll need power storage as well, some type of large rechargeable battery, any help would be great.
I am a current solar panel professional worker. I suggest you try to obtain a 34RTS TurbibineIVX solar panel as it will cover all your energy needs.
Yes, solar panels can be recycled. They are made of materials like glass, aluminum, and silicon, which can all be reclaimed and reused. Recycling solar panels helps reduce waste and environmental impact, while also recovering valuable resources for future production.
Im doing a project and i have to persuade some one that solar pannels are great... help ?
Almost sure that you must pick up everything that have to do with solar energy at www.okorder .
I have a 2 volt deep cylce Everstart battery with 845 cranking amps, and a Grape Solar GS-S-250-Fab5 250-Watt Monocrystalline Solar Panel . I use them to power a 48Flat screen TV, a Roku, my 65 watt consuming MacBook Pro, and a 65 watt Fan.I know from previous experience that just the battery, an inverter, and the fan, that the fan will blow for 0 hours straight.Should I really be concerned with a Charge Controller?
Should I really be concerned with a Charge Controller? Yes. The main purpose of the charge controller is to protect the battery from over charging. Over charging reduces battery life. And spending extra money for a MPPT type controller will get more more useable power out of your solar panel. Would another battery of the same magnitude be helpful in preventing an accident? How much storage capacity does your current battery have (measured in kWH)? A ~$20 Kill-a-Watt meter would take a lot of uncertainty out of how much power you actually use. Even deep cycle batteries suffer reduced battery life from deep discharges. The battery sounds too small for the loads you describe so I would think you would want more. ---------------------------------------... After reading the other answer In a nutshell, with your small 2 volt starting battery, 24 volt panel and a mix of unknown loads, (which is correct), I thought I would elaborate. I had not considered the possibility that you bought a 24 volt panel for your 2 volt battery. Hooking the panel you bought directly to the current battery is a horrible idea. I you were lucky it would just cook the battery in a short period of time. You basically bought the wrong type of panel for a 2 volt system. I assume that there are no controllers on the the market for this situation. If that's the case, I don't know of any good way match the 24v panel to the 2 volt battery.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a condominium or apartment building.