Solar Module Certification

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What is the biggest solar panel you can buy?How much energy can it produce in kwh?Thanks :)
not really sure but you can check this....
I've had people banging on my door to install them unfortunately i can't test the theory The offer came between the government sign-up of insulation where the ensuing deaths of several installers halted the program and the Queensland floods - not a floating panel in sight!
I thought that I had a fairly good understanding of watt's law, but i'm starting to doubt myself.If I have a load of 4500watts at 240 volts, how many watts of solar panels do I need, if the solar panels are at 2v?Yes, Yes... I have a charge controller, batteries, etc...So the way I looked at this at first:watts = volts * amps For the load4500 = 240 * xx would be 8.75aFor the power source (each solar panel)00 = 2 * xx would be 8.3a8.75 / 8.3 = 2.25, rounded up = 3So... based on that I came to the conclusion that I needed 3 solar panels...But... then I was thinking. Does it work that way?Or do I need 4500 / 00 = 45, aka 45 solar panels?In other words...If I have a 2v power source, how many watts do I need to drive a load of 4500w at 240v?ThanksMatt
The easy way is to just use the power values. You need 4500W. Each solar panel delivers 00W (from a value in your working). Therefore you need 4500/00 = 45 solar panels. This is a crude calculation, ignoring efficiencies, voltage conversion losses and losses due to internal resistance. You would probably need quite a few more than 45 panels. ___________________________ I'll explain how to do the calculation your way. Each solar panel delivers 00W with a voltage of 2V. So the current is 00/2 = 8.333A. Each solar panel delivers 8.333A at 2V. But you require 8.75A at 240V panel delivers 00W. To get 4500W, you need: 8.75/8.333 = 2.25 times more panels to increase the current AND 240/2 = 20 times more panels to increase the voltage. So overall you need 2.25 x 20 = 45 panels. Of course if the power output of each solar panel is not 00W, you have to change the above calculation accordingly.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a sports stadium or arena. Many stadiums and arenas around the world have already implemented solar panel systems to generate renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint. The large roof space and open areas surrounding these venues make them ideal locations for solar panel installations. Additionally, the energy generated by these panels can be used to power the stadium's operations and even contribute to the local power grid.
I don't know anything about where to buy solar panels. I just want to save on the electric bills.
First and foremost, you are talking about photovoltaic panels. These harness solar energy and convert it to electricity. The downside to these is that they are expensive, although you will see a huge return on your electric bill in usually 5-7 years. The photovoltaic panels produce DC electricity, so if you want to power your home appliances you will need an inverter that takes DC electricity and converts it to AC (since almost all home appliances run off of AC). You will also need a battery and an optional but very useful charge controller. The battery stores electricity that is generated from the sun to be used on cloudy days. The charge controller is the brains of the operation and deciphers how much electricity should go to the appliance(s) or the battery.
Please tell me what they are made of and how the materials help the solar cell produce electricity. Im doing a science projects so i need help on knowing all this info. Its a debate, so i need correct information please.I will please need more information about the bad things about solar energy and solar panels. Please say what solar panels do to create pollution or do anything that is not friendly to the environment. If you want just give me a website. Thank you
Solar cells are mainly made of a semiconductor called silicon,when sunshine on it,solar energy is converted into electrical energy by photovoltaic.The energy knocks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely.This flow of electrons is a current, this current, together with the cell's voltage (which is a result of its built-in electric field or fields), defines the power (or wattage) that the solar cell can produce.
Solar panels have a positive impact on the local job market by creating new employment opportunities. The installation, maintenance, and manufacturing of solar panels require a skilled workforce, leading to job growth in these sectors. Additionally, the renewable energy industry stimulates economic development and attracts investments, resulting in job creation across various industries.
What would it take to make a heater for a small solar panel. I am looking into making a heater for a livestock tank to keep ice melted. I know that heaters take alot of energy to run, but my theory is that if heated mirrors on a car can melt ice with low voltage and im sure not extreme heat (40-60 degrees) then making a heater with just high enough temperature to keep from icing over and melting ice is possible. Where do I start? I would like to use an inexpensive solar panel that will generate enough heat to keep ice from forming and melt it at the beginning of the day. How can you make such a heater and apply Ohms law so that it will function correctly, what Wattage will the pannel need to produce to generate enough heat for the heater. The device will only have to be large enough to melt a spot large enough for an animal to drink.
Short answer is yes. Good to start out a large tank, or big rock to mount your collectors on. Something the stock won't eat or push over. I would start with a swimming pool solar collector. It is just a big piece of black plastic aimed at the winter sun. A collector with insulation and covers will give more heat per sq foot and cost more. Big mirrors and a black painted stock tank might be enough. Insulation of the tank might help a lot. Is the water liquid when pumped up the tank? Do you truck the water in? Is there any electric power wired there or near by? Electric solar collectors can pump and heat water and charge batteries, but it is also possible to circulate water using a thermosyphon set up. You don't have to use photocells. If it gets cold enough some collectors can freeze solid and damage themselves. There are collectors that contain two loops one water the other antifreeze.