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i am considering getting a brokers license in massachusetts, its pretty easy. but since i know nothing about real estate i am wondering how exactly you make money with a brokers license. can someone take me through the process. ex: step 1, pass the test and get ur license....step 10, get paidalso im a student so i cant do anything full time with it.
one must become a sales person before becoming a broker. And it is anything but easy; 3/4 fail the test the first time. --to help someone sell property, a broker's agent will take a LISTING. to help someone BUY property, an agent will sign a buyer's agency agreement and find what the buyer wants. the seller pays the commission for the seller's agent and the buyer's agent, in most circumstances. the more agents that a broker has, the more likelihood that one or two will CLOSE deals monthly; that commission is split with the broker UNLESS the Agent pays a desk fee. can guide you further if desired; am licensed in a dif state
real estate auctions
By entering Real estate auction + Mass. in any Search engine maybe? Jeez Louise....
I'm seriously thinking in become an Real Estate Agent, I am currently living in Columbus Ohio, I have already found some classes, but some of the requirements says that " i must be sponsored by an Ohio Real Estate Broker" what that really means ??? That I need to find a job as a Real Estate first and then take the classes ??? I am kinda confused Help ASAP ! Thanks...
Ohio Real Estate Broker
What all do you need to do to become a Real Estate appraiser in Pennsylvania? School, experience, licensing, etc?
Run do not stroll from this industry. There is now not any cash to be made headquartered at the time it takes to whole an appraisal. In addition, mentoring is the tremendous trouble. Mentors tackle a enormous accountability. There could be very little cash to be made for the period of coaching. I have expert 3 women and by the point I obtained performed reviewing and explaining I would have performed it myself.
Can I become a real estate investor working only on weekends?Here's the deal. I work for the state where I live, and the state government will not tolerate employees operating businesses on state time. I want to become a real estate investor, but I know I can't make or receive real estate related phone calls during business hours (M-F 8:30-5:30) - or I'll be fired for making money on state time.Is it possible to do real estate deals on weekends? Do people close property deals on weekends?I figure I'll hire a real estate agent to take any incoming calls during the week regarding properties for sale, and the agent could call me after 5:30 - do many real estate agents work in the evenings?
I had a good friend who was a realtor. He told me to be successful you have to be available pretty much 24/7. People who want to buy hate to wait and the slightest thing can send them to the next property or next real estate agent. Now, you talk about being a real estate investor. If that is really what you mean, then as an investor you put up the money to buy properties, then fix them up or develop them and sell them at a profit. If that is what you are talking about, they you might have a slightly easier time working only weekends provide you have already lined up where you are going to get your start up capital.
I’m planning on getting my real estate agents license in the next few months in California. I’ve heard that Century 21 and some other companies have their own courses. Is it better to attend their course or just a regular local real estate school. Also what companies are good for new agents.Any advice you can give is appreciated! Thanks!
If you can get Century 21 to give you the necessary courses to pass the state exam without paying a school. They have to teach you the classes that the Real Estate Board requires. Are you sure the classes at Century 21 are not the two classes you need after you get a conditional sales license? I went through the whole process of taking the right classes at Anthony Schools live, then took the state exam and passed. But I went to a few real estate companies and could not get hired because at the time in 2001 I did not have a computer or a car and I did not know how to generate my own leads. I thought they would provide leads but they didnt. I went to Prudential, Pacific Union and Howard Allen. These are in the bay ara.
Where can I go to learn more about Investing and Real Estate?Do you know of any good websites?Thanks in advanced!
I'm a investor and work with many others investors. Real Estate is a huge field and there are many ways to make a living. If you are strong at Sale you might want to look at being a R.E. Agent or Mortgage Broker. Maybe you what to rehab or new construction Residential or Commercial? Do what you like and enjoy and learn everything about your chosen field.
I'm fixing to do online classes for real estate I'm really excited about it right now but would like to know from someone who has done it or still is doing it if it is worth it? Thank you
Any career choice is a good one if you really care about it and you love it. If you work hard, put in hours, and have a blast, you'll make a ton of money. Go for it!