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I recieved bare root Tomatoes in the mail Nooo dirt and I‘m sure that was to keep down weight for shipping. About 12 plants and were in small plastic bags, about 2inches of root and 2 inches of green plant. I want to grow and ship these also. How is it done from seed, Bare Root. ???
Hey Sk8rrr, Plant gels may be used in the shipping to keep the little plugs alive. They are interesting to say the least. Soil-less mixes do not contain nutrients for plant growth. Once seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves, begin fertilizing with quarter strength water soluble fertilizer such as 15-30-15 or 20-20-20. The term soil-less includes perlite, vermiculite, and a few other things that might look like dirt. So, hydroponic seed starting is probably how your sprouts were started. A seed is alive, breathing in oxygen and respiring carbon dioxide. While the seed is dormant, or not germinating, this rate of respiration is very slow. When the seed is placed in an appropriate environmental conditions it will begin the process of germination. In this process with enough water and the correct temperature, (between 65 and 85 degrees F), the seed will start to germinate. Most seeds have inhibitors within them that prevent germination. In many cases these inhibitors are water soluble so the inhibitors will break down in water allowing the seeds germinate. A germinating seed breathes more rapidly than the dormant seed. It requires oxygen and respires carbon dioxide in order to grow. During this stage the seed needs to be in an environment which provides both oxygen and water to the seed. This means an ideal environment for seed germination is one that allows the seed to have adequate oxygen and water such as a fluffy or air filled media appropriate for hydroponics. And, the last method has been used for centuries to grow sprouts. If you have eaten sprouts, the principle is the same for tomatos. After they sprout, you put them in a shipping bag with some gel - calculated to last long enough to get to your intended delivery.
Ok.I live in Minnesota. There‘s a pond in my back yard and there are about 50 red-eared slider turtles there. One laid eggs in my yard and I pulled them out of the ground because birds were digging them up and eating them. Does anyone know what I can do to make these things hatch?
buy an incubator or make one(idont know how, you should look it up online) and keep the eggs in it at the breeder perfered temp.and watch them. when they hatch you should let them back into the pond if you dont plan on keeping them. Look up red eared slider breeder websites and email or call them and ask them and tell them about your predicament. they can help you the most.(also if the eggs are yellow they are infertle and dont roll the eggs it can kill the baby inside.and dont touch them with your hands because ive heard it can also kill the baby but im not sure)
Ok so I have vermiculite soil,coffee,and coco coir. Will I have to buy spores from the internet or can they just grow with all that. Mixed together
you need a male leo too to make fertile eggs -_- you dont rilli need any leos to make the incubator though and you dont need food, calcium tablets, a laybox, or sand in ur incubator either ._. All this stuff just goes into your tank :D all you need to make an incubator with is a tupperware box (with lid to keep humidity constant), perlite or vermiculite, and a humidity gauge if you want.
I cut open an old tomato the other day and found that a bunch of the seeds had sprouted! I would like to grow them hydroponically in a nutrient solution without a 'medium'. I grow some houseplants that way, in jars of solution with a bit of tin foil around the base of the stems to hold them firmly in the top of the jar, so the roots are half in and half out of the water. The sprouts are still a bit small for this, but I don't really want to put them in dirt because I would like to keep them clean for later. Any suggestions?
vermiculite is used for incubating eggs in, to keep the humidity up, it can cause impactions and slightly swells when moist, so I wouldnt advise it. As far a a humidity chamber for leopard gecko's dont really think they need one, unless they have a difficult time shedding. Leopard gecko's are found in the deserts of Pakistan, which arent known for their humidity if you know what Im saying. I would just offer a hide spot, zoo med (or maybe trex) offers a great one for leopards that actually is hidden beneath the substrate (typically calcisand, stay away from play sand, that CAN cause impactions) and is cut away so you can actually see inside of it through the side of your aquarium! its great and being beneath the substrate offers a cooler and more humid hide spot away from a heat source! good luck
My dragon out of no where is digging and needs to lay her eggs. We know what to do, but question is, we have an incubator that needs a new fuse we can go get tomorrow, if its not fixable we can go buy an incubator tomorrow, should I make her wait to lay her eggs til tomorrow, or just let her lay them now, then put them in their containers with vermiculite..etc, and where should I put them until I get the incubator tomorrow and its stabalized? Thankyou!
You could keep them in either, just make sure the vermiculite doesn't have fertilizer in it. Just make sure the eggs stay moist. Check my answer to your other question for another suggestion to hatching medium.
It is non-metallic, contains iron and magnesium, when heated it swells and expands into light worm-like pieces of vermiculite which is used as a medium for planting seeds. Thanks!
I have a friend of mine just grows them inbetween paper towels, every layer is more seeds, when he wants them or they are ready he pulls out a wad of damp paper towels from this plastic container scoops out his micros, throws more seed in those paper towels or new ones and into another tray it goes with a spritz of hydrogen peroxide, he never seems to be out and they are fresh and clean.
I got a burmese python a while ago with no intention to breed it, little did i know, she was pregnant! The eggs have been laid, I‘ll keep them and try selling them, now what do i do?
You would just have normal Burmese pythons, but on rare occasions you will get a few albino babies, though, this is almost impossible. The normal babies would be a het of an albino since they will not show any traits of the albino gene. If you bred two albinos you would get 100% albinos because you did not breed two different morphs so the babies will still have the albino traits. If you bred an albino and a het for albino there is a result in possible albino hatchlings rather than breeding a normal with an albino.
I've been using commercial seed starting mix for many years, but am selling tranplants at farmers market for the second time this year. i need many cubic feet of seed starting mix and can't get it locally in bulk (I'd have to drive 3 hours away to get it). So i would like to make my own rather than buy many many bags of miracle grow or schultz at great cost.I am wondering if I can just get bales of peat moss and sift it thru hardware cloth and mix it with perlite and vermiculite. I am also wondering if I purchase a bale of peat moss, do i need to sterilize it, or is it already sterile?thanx!
it may easily sort of be slightly of the two. it can be a chemical reaction given which you have a metamorphosis in temperature (endothermic). issues which comprise burning/freezing, changing colours, giving off gases are all categorised as chemical reactions. nevertheless, if the difficulty keeps to be the comparable and in elementary terms alterations in length and shape, which comprise stepping on an empty soda can. it is nevertheless the comparable merchandise and comparable weight, in elementary terms the form has been forcibly altered. yet provided that an icepack is predicated off of dissolving compounds, there incredibly is not any substitute interior the difficulty/atoms. yet, i could lean extra in direction of this being a actual reaction. and you may divide up the reactants lower back, which complements this being a actual reaction.