Intertek Led Transformer

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The transformer zero line has broken, has the result to the household illumination circuit?
The lighting circuit mostly 3 phase unbalanced load, there will be zero drift, zero if the transformer line is broken, part of the lighting circuit to form a series of equipment in the case of two-phase circuit, circuit voltage is decreased and the lighting brightness is not enough, circuit voltage increases, the lamp burned;
Please tell me how to calculate the transformer in the lighting circuit of elevator shaft in building electrical design
Because of the brightness of the 36V safety voltage lamp brightness in the overhaul work is not enough, so now the well lighting design should not be 36V, and replaced by 220V, and only need to add a leakage protector on it.
Lighting, lights, transformers, bulb brightness is too low, what's the matter?
If you share a power line, you must calculate the current and select the appropriate wire to ensure normal pressure drop and safe use.
Line lights, lighting transformers in use!! Can live line work?!! Be afraid of electric shock 40
I don't know how much the output voltage of your transformer is, but the internationally accepted voltage below 36V is the voltage that is not harmful to the human body
Why is elevator lighting transformer installed?
Is that the kind of 220V change 36V ah, if it is that kind of thing, I think it should be for security reasons. After all, 36V is a safe voltage. The damage to humans is slightly smaller than that of 220V.
How to calculate the rated capacity of small transformers for lighting purposes?
In view of the power [kVA] conversion of each load, multiplied by the amount of consumption, according to the importance of the load, equipment location, voltage statistics, set the load line and load place of plastic case transformer capacity and its connection position. The future load power equipment shall be judged on the basis of prior installation or consideration of the economy in terms of equipment addition, installation, etc..
1000 square meters low voltage.36 volts lighting power supply with multiple transformers and wires
First of all, make sure your power is too large, but you are not recommended to do so, the cost is too high, the pressure drop is too large, you can raise the voltage to 220V or higher, and then transfer to avoid power losses. If the direct transmission, the power is slightly larger, the line will be very rough, the cost will be very high
How many can you bring with 220V? How many can you bring with 380V? There are 3 terminals on the transformer. There are 220V, 380V, 0, three terminals. 220V is the 220V terminal and the 0 connection. How can the 380V be connected? Is it 380V and 0 or 380V and 220V?
Voltage x current = power, in general we are using the total power of 2/3, you can press this type of calculation, if the installation of electrodeless lights, the line should be separated,