Maintenance Of Environment

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I swore into the Navy and i chose MR over a few other jobs, the other jobs sucked and they said this was the better one of them all. Do you know where MR's are usually stationed and if its a cool job? thanks
It's ok. As an MR, your job is to become proficient in the operation of heavy machinery and damage control equipment. Specifically, you will become skilled in working a lathe and die set to manufacture small parts and things for the ship (and you will be stationed on ship-MR is a sea-intensive rate). You also will make a lot of name tags and Bakelite placards, since you own the engraving machine. With the caveat that my experience is all small boy (FF/DDGs), here are the pros/cons of the job. Pros-learn really technical skills that can come in handy throughout life. Work with your hands. People want to be friends with you so you can hook them up with placards. Usually one of only a few on a ship-you as one man (or woman) can make a lot of difference. Cons-Work as part of Repair Department/Division, normally a pretty screwy, unorganized mess of a unit. Lots of knowledge-have to learn the DC/HT job as well. Especially on small boys, have to contribute to Engineering Department manning/watch, lots of work there. It's not a bad rate, but it is a lot of work, like everything else in the Navy.
They lessened the need for skilled laborers
I am thin and have this layer of fat over my abs that I want to get rid of. In order for your answe to be believable, please tell me your routine methods that you do thru out the work out time. I know Cardio will lose it, but I just want to know how long am I suppose to do it and how many days should I do it. Also, name me the foods I need to avoid and the ones I need to consume and how much of a portion should I eat (Im 5'11 weighing 171). My arms and legs are in pretty good shape, but the belly has got to go! My abs will be visible with your help
If you want to work specifically on abs, do sprints rather than long runs. The best ab exercise without equipment is the bicycle where you lay flat on the ground, and you bring your knee about half way to your chest and touch it with your opposite elbow. The only food suggestion I can give you is to eat 6 small meals, and get protein.
Use eBay, but use the 'completed listings' search option. Thanks
go on a 1,000 per calorie day diet. I lost 20 lbs that way (with no exercise whatsoever). However, it is best to work out whenever you can. Ensure that your diet is very healthy so that you get all of the nutrients that you need. Plus, take a multi-vitamin and drink a lot of water.
Fixed costs (depreciation of machinery) increase, Variable costs (wages) decrease ...
i need this answer its urgent
you can't do that job by using any air craft. please use a space craft.
I am a graduating senior of 2010.I want to can i do with a history major besides being a teacher and work at a musemI also need to no what is a machinst and How much they make starting out and how much they make a year.
Let me address Machining, since I got a Machining Diploma for personal interest's sake. Basically, a machinist makes things out of metal by removing metal from a larger block of metal. He does this by using machines such as lathe, milling machine or grinder. Machining is usually a four year apprenticeship, which combines college courses with on-the-job training. A journeyman Machinist makes a good honest living of perhaps $40K~$60K, but this can vary widely depending on the local job market. An apprentice might start out at $10/hr.