Concrete Pump Primer

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What is the pumpability of concrete
Pumpability' is a qualitative argument that the pumpable concrete slump is generally greater than 160mm, the mortar content can not be too low, the maximum aggregate size does not exceed one-third of the diameter of the pump,
Can the tower crane be filled with concrete pump tube?
(9) ribs and wire rope direct contact without protection measures are not allowed to hang; (10) six or more strong winds are not allowed to hang.
Whether the concrete pump truck is paying the vehicle additional tax
According to the General Administration of Taxation explained: only with a fixed device, non-transport vehicles can be exempted
What is high and low pressure switching and hydraulic gear ratio on concrete pumps?
High and low pressure pump is generally double pump; high pressure to provide high pressure (workload), low pressure to provide high flow (rapid feed).
What is the difference between concrete conveyors and concrete conveyors?
The concrete pump is a special machine for conveying concrete. It is equipped with special pipes to transport concrete along the pipeline to the pouring site.
Concrete pump truck hydraulic system open and closed the advantages and disadvantages of what
Only when the oil pump and oil return flow the same, it is possible to apply closed system.
What kind of concrete delivery tank is better
Is a professional production of coagulation tank conveyor enterprises l company's main products: a variety of concrete transmission cylinder, wear-resistant sets, high school low-pressure cylinder.
What are the brands of concrete pump trucks?
The amount of up to 200m ?? / h or more, greatly improving the pump delivery.