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What equipment can be used to support and stand up for old people?
If the old man's hands are strong and his body can move, try to put a fence over the side of his bed to make it easier for him to get up. Wood is good. The old man fell down the window can Fang, guardrail upright post, the elderly can be hand pulled up, get up. Note: do not step in place, you should first gradually toward the head in the direction of the body, mainly the buttocks, and then slowly side up, hand to help support. Some old beds and wooden frames are made of wood. They can help a man with a firm and soft soft cloth at the end of the bed;
I think my guinea pig is eating her bedding, I use pine bedding,the kiln-dried. Could this be harmful for her??
dont use pine bedding anymore. use carefresh or hay. pine is poisonous to the guinea pig.
I had a friend say they found bed bugs at their house and I am quite paranoid. I vacuum constantly and my sleep number bed is basically a fancy air mattress. Am I bed bug safe?
It's true that bedbugs can live in more than just beds, but as long as you keep everything clean you shouldn't worry.
you are laying in bed one night when you hear Micheal Jackson start singing. the sound is coming form under your bed. at first you think its just a joke. but then he starts talking to you. he has a knife and he is slowly cutting up through your mattress. he tells you that the door is locked from the outside and you have no chance of escape.WHAT DO YOU DO?
get a friggin pix with him,they are worth 2,000
What is the best bedding to reduce smell, and that is comfortable for the hamster
Cedar,pine and aspen bedding is bad for your hamster and some are allergic to it. Even if your hamster looks fine those beddings mentioned above cause respitory problems for your little hamster. You should always buy Carefresh bedding, it controls odor great and its good for your hamster. Most pet stores use this bedding.
anyone know where i can get a bed / plans for a bed like the one on drake and josh????- drakes bed, the tall one with scafolding etc.
Hi, try this. Go into Google or Yahoo image search. Key in drake beds, josh beds or whatever you think best describes the item you're looking for. Voila, you now have thousands of photographs to choose from. Most images link to a website for more information.
I got a new full sized bed. The problem is my full/queen sized bedding does not fit. The height of the bed and the box spring togeather is so high my bedding doesn't fit right my my bed. Do I really need a box spring or can i just have my mattres? Thank you!!:D
You need to purchase deep pocket sheets to cover your mattress. Your new mattress needs to have the support of the box spring, or you take the chance of ruining the mattress. (The exception would be if you were putting the mattress directly on the floor, or had a box bed, in which case the box acts as the box spring). Not to mention, that not using a box spring may void out any warranty that came along with the purchase of the new bed. I'd check with the place that you purchased the bed from. Best of luck.
Blue curtains, yellow bedstead with what color quilt cover?
Can be in accordance with the principle of color matching and their favorite combination of choice