40 Year Architectural Shingles

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Now some villa area is used asphalt tiles, how about that? What are the advantages?
as the price you can call to ask, there is a 400 phone, Can find, hope my answer is helpful to you.
Is the asphalt tiles fixed with nails without damaging the waterproofing layer?
It will certainly wear a waterproof layer!
Asphalt tile below the empty shop again sbs waterproof membrane what role?
Mainly used in civil, industrial, water conservancy, railway and other waterproofing works, covering almost all of the waterproofing works, is so far waterproof effect, anti-aging effect of one of the best waterproof material.
Is the rural self - built housing suitable for asphalt
the general are now cast-in-place roof, the basic use of asphalt shingles, their own home building or with a good point of asphalt shingo better,
Asphalt tile construction prices in about how much
First, the construction costs due to different local, construction difficulty is different, the price slightly different, usually the basic roof is 5-6 yuan per square square, double the general 7-8 per square.
Can the colored glass pitch pitch tile be placed on the keel
Asphalt shingles can be built on top, but can not be laid directly. The basic laying conditions of asphalt shingles are the slopes of the roof,
Asphalt tile and resin tile which long life
Resin tile: compressive strength, hardness, three-dimensional sense of strong. Asphalt shingles: color types, light weight, strong sense of the plane.
Asphalt tiles or glazed tiles good?
I say that the advantages and disadvantages of asphalt shing bars, the first advantage is light, long life, about 30 years or more, anti-9 strong winds, the construction is simple, direct nail nails, require flat roof, slope 0 to 90 degrees can be used , Materials and construction costs are low. Followed by shortcomings, there may be faded off the sand (this choice of good manufacturers will not appear this shortcoming), low temperature may crack, which can also choose a good manufacturer to solve