Repair Kitchen Faucet

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How to go to the floor of the cement block
In the downstairs will be blocked where the cement block saw the replacement of new PVC pipes.
Why in the toilet rushed down the water will come out in the drain which
The toilet did not block, but the toilet connected to the next section of the pipeline blocked, so flush caused by the return, from the ground to return to water.
I wondered why the water rushed down in the toilet would come out of the floor. Where is it bad, what reason, no blocking
Pipeline design is wrong, back to the water it Please master to see it! Hope to help you, hope to adopt!
Bathroom decoration into this, underwater to leak, how to do
The ground can not be flat. To leak at a low job
Can be the toilet water to the ground leakage of things
For the floor drain can understand the use of gravity under the principle of design is very core leakage
Leakage of water, their own water is also down where the problem is not
And the ground drain connected to another water container (such as: wash basin, bath) of the ground drain in the U-tube after the blocked. So the washbasin or bath when the water will leak to the water.
Because do not understand the general knowledge, in the hardware store casually purchased a bell-style floor drain, the beginning of the bath when the water can be smooth out, not long, the floor has been completely no water, and this leakage if the replacement of how to replace it?
Buy the same size and size of the floor drain. The original ground to pry out can be replaced. Pry the best before the wipes to drain the hole plug to avoid the dregs go down. And you have no problem with this floor drain. If you go deep, you will remove the bowl-like lid.
How to be fixed
Do not know, you are in which the ground leakage is fixed. When the general floor tiles are fixed with cement. If the floor tiles, I estimate the use of plastic bar, with the same fixed toilet with plastic, glass glue, waterproof better.