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I payed the bill and put in the shutoff notice for the 18th, not the 16th! Jesus Christ! I still have shite I have to move!
Look at the money you're saving. 0_o
I am using a piece of equipment that uses plastics hoses to connect three metal pieces (a vacuum pump, a separation chamber, and a rotating sieve). When I touch each of these to remove material I am collecting after use, I get a small shock. What can I do to prevent this?Also, there is a loose, partially exposed wire. What can I do about this? As far as I know, it has no function.
Even if your house has code-approved grounded wiring, you still can get a shock by touching exposed wires or metal that is in contact with them. This rarely happens intentionally. It is more likely to be the result of handling a poorly insulated appliance, or one with a loose internal connection, under conditions that give electricity a path to ground through your body. To prevent this, avoid using old appliances, especially those with loose connections, and install ground fault interrupting (GFI) outlets in the bathroom, kitchen, outdoors and any location where wet conditions increase the risk of unintentional grounding. If your house has carpeting, it is almost impossible to avoid static shocks, particularly on dry days. The movement of your feet on the carpet creates a buildup of static electricity as electrons from the carpet move from the carpet into your body and electrically energize it. When you touch any metal surface, like a doorknob, you create a circuit that allows the electrons to flow, and you get a shock. While uncomfortable, shocks from static electricity are normal. You can reduce their severity by frequently touching metal objects to ground yourself before the buildup of electricity in your body becomes too large.
Ever since I was a little kid I could tell when there is a T.V on in a house when I walk by. I get this feeling inside like I can sense the signal or something with my brain. When I walk closer to the T.V the feeling gets stronger. If there is a T.V left on in my house with no sound or picture playing, I am still able to sense that the T.V was left on, and pinpoint the exact room its in without even going inside. Does this happen to anyone else?
Older TV's especially color TV's use a very high voltage, which can make the hair on your arm stand up. It is not too hard to imagine that you are sensitive to this voltage field. Modern LCD TV's do not use high voltage, so you might want to test your senses on a newer LCD TV.
electrical engineering
At the utility I worked at for 35 years they started using sophisticated Infra Red temperature over 10 years ago. This equipment is extremely accurate up to 100 feet and has a screen that you can view in detail where the heat is being developed.It also has a built in camera so any problems can be shown to others.This equipment is used mainly in high voltage electrical substations.
I need some opinions on why do we recycle, computers, tv, cellphones, etc.I know it saves the environment because if we throw it away, it would just end up in landfills but is there anymore reasons?
There is all sorts of chemicals and heavy metals in the electronics. They are recycled to keep them from leeching into the water and environment. For some materials, it means that they can simply be re-processed, instead of extracting more raw materials and refining them.
For a treadmill.I could get a manual for reallly cheap but I had my heart set on an electrical one.I've never really used a manual oneWhat do you think?
Get the Electrical one you will like it more.
Actually in position, we have provided shade for an electrical equipment but sun is hitting during morning and evening. Can it be called as a shaded area?
Outside ambient temperatures are always measured in the shade away from direct sunlight. If your equipment is seeing direct sunlight in normally convective air, then you should use an infared remote sensing thermometer to measure different points on the outside and the inside of the equipment (if possible) to determine the ambient temperature (when exposed to direct sunlight). Alternately, you could place a thermistor, thermocouple, RTD, or semiconductor temperature sensor inside the equipment (always in the shade) and run wire leads outside the equipment container, then measure ambient temperature inside the equipment with a meter on the outside. .
I want to know some information about electrical engineering
Electrical engineering is generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Now it is subdivided into a wide range of subfields including electronics, digital computers, power engineering, telecommunications, control systems, radio-frequency engineering, signal processing, instrumentation, and microelectronics. The subject of electronic engineering is often treated as its own subfield but it intersects with all the other subfields, including the power electronics of power engineering.