Large Aluminum Foil Tray

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What is the formula to calculate the wall thickness of aluminum coil?
Aluminum coil thickness*aluminum coil width*aluminum coil curl*aluminum density (the density of aluminum alloy: 2.73, the density of pure aluminum: 2.71)
You guys may be thinking, why the hell i posted this in the computer section. Well, I'm opening my computer, and I hate the anti-static wristbands. I know that by touching metal, you can get rid of all static electricity in your hands. Can you do this by touching aluminum foil? Since it's something everyone should have in their house.. Can it work like this?
No, okorder /
Aluminum coils contribute to lightweight construction by providing a material that is significantly lighter than other metals such as steel. This allows for the reduction of overall weight in structures, vehicles, and appliances, leading to increased fuel efficiency, improved performance, and lower environmental impact. Additionally, aluminum coils have high strength-to-weight ratio, making them ideal for applications where strength is required without compromising on weight.
I am trying to electropolish the surface of a 3003 aluminum sample to analyze in the SEM. I was wondering if anyone knew what electrolyte and electropolishing paramaters work for this alloy. So far I have used phosporic+ethanol+water at 50V for 2 minutes with minimal success.
Aluminium needs deoxidizing also called as desmutting after electropolishing. This is done in a hot chromic acid bath for nearly for 5 minutes.
why is aluminum to the right side of the periodic table if it's a metal and why is it negatively charge if it's a mental. also if you combine it with like another metal will it be an ion since its positively charge or no because they are both metals
It okorder /
im doing an a level physics presentation on aluminium and im trying to compare aluminium and copper in electricity pylons.i know that copper will have a better conductance than aluminium becasue it has a lower resitivity but i need to come up with a calculation to prove why aluminium is better for use in electricity pylons? i know its down to aluminium being more lightweight than copper and also much cheaper. But im not sure how to create an calculation to show this?:) any help is greatly appreciated
Copper has lower resistance per unit volume, ie, a 1 cm diameter copper wire has less resistance than a 1 cm aluminum wire. BUT, aluminum is much lighter than Cu for the same diameter. If you used an aluminum wire that weighs the same as the 1 cm diameter copper wire, it would have LOWER resistance. And that is why aluminum is used in power transmission, and also in aircraft, where weight is important. to do this you calculate density resistivity which is (resistivity x density). Here is a partial table: Al 28.2e-9 Ω-m * 2700 kg/m? = 76e-6 Ω-kg/m? Cu 17.2e-9 Ω-m * 8960 kg/m? = 154e-6 Ω-kg/m? Ag 15.9e-9 Ω-m * 10500 kg/m? = 167e-6 Ω-kg/m? Au 22.14e-9 Ω-m * 19300 kg/m? = 427e-6 Ω-kg/m? Zn 68e-9 Ω-m * 7130 kg/m? = 485-6 Ω-kg/m? Fe 100e-9 Ω-m * 7870 kg/m? = 787e-6 Ω-kg/m? Note that Al is half that of Cu.
Yes, aluminum coils are recyclable. Aluminum is one of the most recyclable materials, and it can be recycled indefinitely without losing its quality. The recycling process of aluminum coils involves melting them down to form new coils or other aluminum products. This not only reduces the amount of waste in landfills but also saves energy and resources required to produce new aluminum from raw materials. Recycling aluminum coils is an environmentally friendly choice that helps conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Aluminum coil area, with aluminum sheet area, how is not the same?
Direct measurement length and width calculation area of aluminium plate;The aluminum coil can measure the volume of the aluminum coil and then calculate the area by dividing the thickness. You can also measure the mean diameter, calculate the perimeter, multiply the number of laps, the width, and calculate the area.