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Question: what is the nature of logistics warehousing?
Productive logistics land generally includes the production enterprises directly used for material storage, transit, distribution, distribution, transportation, loading and unloading, as well as the corresponding ancillary facilities, and its nature can be identified as industrial storage land;
What brands of operating equipment are used in the major logistics and express companies in China?
The transit center equipment used a conveyor belt, climbing machine, screening machine, packing rack, sewing machine, radio gun and so on, these things can go to the local market purchases, do not need what brand; wireless gun is also very good buy, general is more than 2000 dollars, in mobile or plug is China Unicom SIM card, 5M traffic is enough. I don't know my answer. Do you understand?.
What shelves are there in the logistics equipment?
The so-called logistics equipment is necessary for the logistics activities of complete sets of buildings and artifacts, organizations involved in a variety of physical flow of mechanical equipment, transport, storage facilities, station, computer and communication equipment.
What is the warehousing logistics distribution center?
The distribution center is to receive and handle the end user order information, sorting of many varieties of goods shipped upstream, according to user's request for picking, processing, assembly and other operations, and delivery facilities and institutions. Is to accept a lot of goods from suppliers to flip, classification, storage, distribution processing and information processing and other operations, and in accordance with the requirements of many need to order the preparation of goods, delivery facilities with satisfactory service level.
What are the third party logistics? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Enterprise self built logistics needs to invest a lot of money to purchase logistics facilities, build warehouse and information network and other specialized logistics facilities. These resources are a heavy burden for the enterprises lacking funds, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises. The use of 3PL not only reduces investment in facilities, but also frees warehouse and fleet funds and accelerates capital turnover.
What are the main differences between the electricity supplier warehouse and the traditional warehouse?
Average order lines are few. Traditional retail logistics has dozens, even more, hundreds of orders line, these goods may be distributed in all corners of the warehouse, according to order picking, warehouse go round to complete order picking. But only a few of the electricity supplier logistics orders, in most cases such as Jingdong, such as dangdang is no more than 10, a few such as shop No. 1 will be between 10 to 20, if still use the traditional retail logistics commonly used to order not picking, picking up for each trip only a few parts need to go a large number of road in the warehouse. A large number of actual combat statistics show that as much as 70% of the time spent in the picking process is on walking. Therefore, it is necessary to design a picking order, and can complete multiple orders at the same time, to improve the efficiency of picking, such as first picking, picking, planting, or picking the same model.
What are the common logistics equipment?
According to the equipment in the logistics activities in a considerable position, can be divided into fixed equipment and movable equipment. Fixed equipment such as railway, highway, bridge and tunnel; stations, ports, warehouses and other buildings I equipment such as train, cars, ships, mobile handling equipment.
What is the warehouse keeper in the logistics industry?
Warehouse Administrator (storekeeper), just as its name suggests, is to manage warehouse functions well through the management of warehouse items. Responsibilities include: acceptance of materials, equipment, entry and exit, accounting and payment in accordance with the regulations, so as to keep accounts consistent. Keep the stock status at all times to ensure the timely supply of materials and equipment, and give full play to the efficiency of turnover. Regular cleaning of the warehouse, keep the warehouse tidy and beautiful, and make materials and equipment arranged in different categories. Keep in good order and accurate quantity. Familiar with the corresponding materials, equipment varieties, specifications, models and performance, fill in clearly. Do a good job in warehouse safety management, check the warehouse fire, anti-theft facilities, plugging loopholes in a timely manner.